Hey Y’all:
I thought Kelia was going to post this, and she thought I was going to post it … but better late than never. Congrats to both Sheena and Jacque for making it to the Quarter Finals of the CrossFit Open. We are not a competition gym, we are a lifestyle gym, but it is great to see people succeed in competition and move on to the next level. Kudos and respect to the ladies! Also, 2023 was one of our biggest years for participation in the Open, so props to everyone for stepping up to the plate! Secondly, we have some upcoming events: *Cinco de Mayo party at the Christophersen Household. I bet you didn't know Chad and Marriah’s last name. I'm not even sure I spelt it correctly. Details are on the board by the front door. *The Speed Dating 2 Competition is tentatively scheduled for June 3rd. This is an individual 3-WOD competition with rotating partners. Each workout is done with a different partner ~ drawn at random! *In July, we will be doing a food drive for kids who are not getting a subsidized lunch. Two bags of non-perishable food will get one of your friends a free month at the gym. That's what I know right now. Remember, we love you guys and want more people like you. Anyone who drops your name when signing up gets you (and them) the buddy rate of $85 each for 6 months! -C-
In honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed in the line of duty February 6, 2008. The “Randy” Hero WOD was first posted on the CrossFit Main Site as the workout of the day for Wednesday, February 13, 2008 (080213). WARM-UP
1 set: :30 pigeon pose / leg :30 Couch Stretch / leg :30 front-to-back Leg Swing / leg 2 sets: :30 KB or Dumbbell Deadlift (26/35 lb) – Rest :10 :30 KB or single-arm DB rows – Rest :10 :30 Kettlebell Swing – Rest :10 3 sets: 1:00 Row, Assault Bike, or Skierg 8 power snatches NOTES
Randy RX / Intermediate For time: 75 Power Snatch (55/75 lb) BEGINNER For time: 75 power snatch (35/45 lb) Post-workout: EMOM 8: 1 Power Snatch – Build to a heavy single. Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 70 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 10 min Randy Workout 2: 20 min On a 20:00 clock: Build to a 1-rep max Snatch NOTES
Workout 3: 10 min 3 sets: 20 sandbag Weighted lunge (70/100 lb) 25 GHD Sit-up :30 Goblet Squat hold at parallel (light) – Rest 1:00-2:00 between sets. NOTES
Stretching: 10 min 2 sets: 1:00 Foam Roll Low Back :30 cat-cow :30 standing pike stretch Warm up:
1 set: :45 Row (25-30 s/m) 10 Inch-worm 1 set: :45 row (30-35 s/m) 10 single-leg slow calf raises / leg 1 set: :45 row (35+ s/m) 20 sec Single-Unders 20 sec single-single - Double Unders 20 sec double under 20 sec double under 5 min EMOM 20 - 30 sec jump rope practice: double under, Triple-unders, or double cross over RX 5 x 2:00 rounds for reps: 18/25 calorie Row Max Double Unders – Rest 2:00 between sets INTERMEDIATE 5 x 2:00 rounds for reps: 13/18 calorie row Max double-unders – Rest 2:00 between sets BEGINNER 5 x 2:00 rounds for reps: 7/10 calorie row Max Single-Unders – Rest 2:00 between sets Post-workout: Accumulate: 100 Hollow Rock – Every time you break perform 25 sit-ups. Stretching Accumulate: 1:00 foam roll calves / leg 1:00 foam roll IT band / leg WARM-UP
3 sets: 1:00 Assault Bike – Rest :15 :30 Overhead Squat (empty bar) – Rest :15 2 sets: 10 alternating Scorpion Stretch 10 Elbow to instep + hamstring stretch / side 1 set: 10 overhead squats 5 overhead squats 5 overhead squats 1 overhead squat 1 overhead squat 1 overhead squat 1 overhead squat NOTES
RX For time: 15 DB burpee box overs (35/50 lb) (20/24 in) 15 Deadlift (205/315 lb) 15 Overhead Squat (135/205 lbs) 15 ring Muscle Up – Use two DBs for the DB burpee box overs INTERMEDIATE For time: 15 DB burpee box overs (20/35 lb) (20 in) 15 deadlifts (125/185 lb) 15 overhead squats (75/115 lbs) 15 jumping ring muscle-ups – Use two DBs for the DB burpee box overs BEGINNER For time: 15 DB burpee box overs (10/15 lb) (12/20 in) 15 deadlifts (75/115 lb) 15 overhead squats (35/45 lbs) 15 Ring Muscle-up Progressions – Use two DBs for the DB burpee box overs Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 70 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 15 min 3 sets: 1 Overhead Squat – Build to a 1-rep max! NOTES
Workout 2: 15 min Today’s Rx Workout 3: 10 min EMOM 10: 1 Seated Box Jump – Build to a max-height jump. NOTES
Stretching: 10 min 2 sets: :30 pigeon pose / leg :30 Couch Stretch / leg WARM-UP
2 sets: 10 PVC Pass-throughs 20 alternating Shoulder Taps 2 sets: 5 Push Up to Down Dog 10 V Ups 15-m Bear-crawl 1 set: 10 Kip Swing 5 wall kick-ups (quarter height) 10 Hanging Knee Raises 5 wall kick-ups (half height) 5 knees-to-armpits 5 wall kick-ups (full) 5 Toes-to-Bar 5 Wall Walk 4 sets: 5 Push Jerk NOTES
Pre-workout: 4 sets: 10 Shoulder Press RX AMRAP 12: 50-ft. Handstand Walk 20 Toes-to-Bar 10 Push Jerk (105/155 lb) INTERMEDIATE AMRAP 12: 30 Shoulder Taps 10 toes-to-bar 10 push jerks (75/115 lb) BEGINNER AMRAP 12: 50-ft. Bear-crawl 10 hanging knee raises 10 Push Press (35/45 lb) Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 75 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 15 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 20 min On a 20:00 clock: 5 sets for reps: 0:00-2:00: 200-m Run Max Double Unders 2:00-4:00: Rest Stimulus & Goals
Workout 3: 10 min 3 sets: 1:00 Pushups :30 L-Hold Hang NOTES
Stretching: 10 min 2-3 sets: :20 Doorway Pec Stretch / side 20 Banded pull aparts WARM-UP
1 set: 3:00 Row, Assault Bike, or Skierg 3 sets: 50-ft Walking Lunge 10 lateral hand shuffle / direction 5 log rolls / direction 2 sets: 5 single-arm Dumbbell Deadlift / arm 5 lateral hops over DB 5 single-arm Dumbbell Hang Power Clean / arm 5 lateral hops over DB 5 single-arm Dumbbell Hang Snatch / arm 5 lateral hops over DB NOTES
RX For time: 150-ft walking Dumbbell lunge (35/50 lb) 50 alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatch 150-ft DB walking lunges 50 single-arm Dumbbell Hang Power Clean 150-ft DB walking lunges 50 lateral hops over DB 150-ft DB walking lunges 50 single-arm Dumbbell Deadlift – Use a single DB for all weighted movements. INTERMEDIATE For time: 150-ft DB walking lunges (20/35 lb) 50 alternating DB hang snatches 150-ft DB walking lunges 50 single-arm DB hang power cleans 150-ft DB walking lunges 50 lateral hops over DB 150-ft DB walking lunges 50 single-arm DB deadlift – Use a single DB for all weighted movements. BEGINNER For time: 100-ft DB walking lunges (10/15 lb) 30 alternating DB hang snatches 100-ft DB walking lunges 30 single-arm DB hang power cleans 100-ft DB walking lunges 30 lateral hops over DB 100-ft DB walking lunges 30 single-arm DB deadlift – Use a single DB for all weighted movements. Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 75 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 15 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 15 min 3 sets: 1 Deadlift – Build to a 1-rep max! NOTES
Workout 3: 15 min 3 sets: 10 Strict Toes to Bar 20 GHD Hip Back Extension – Rest as needed between sets. NOTES
Stretching: 10 min Accumulate: 1:00 Foam Roll Quad 1:00 Foam Roll Low Back 1:00 foam roll calves Warm Up
1 set: :30 Jumping Jack 5 Inch-worm + 1 Pushups / rep 5 KB windmills / arm 1 set: :30 Up-Downs 10 1-handed alternating Russian KB Swing / arm 10 single-arm KB or Dumbbell Push Press / arm 1 set: :30 Burpees 10 Scap Pull up 10 Strict Knee to Elbow 10 sec ring-dip hold (top) 3 - 5 Ring Dips 5 False Grip Ring Rows 5 muscle-up transitions 3 min Muscle Up 3 Reverse Lunges / leg 3 kneeling windmills / arm 3 sit through / arm 2 Turkish Get-up / arm 3 min Turkish get up RX AMRAP 15: 12 ring Muscle Up 9 KB Turkish Get-up (35/53 lb) INTERMEDIATE AMRAP 15: 9 jumping ring muscle-ups 9 KB Turkish get-ups (26/35 lb) BEGINNER AMRAP 15: 12 muscle-up transitions 9 DB Turkish get-ups (10/15 lb) Competition: Rest Day Stretching 2 sets: :30 Doorway Pec Stretch / side :30 Banded Shoulder Stretch / Side 3/26
RX AMRAP 15: 12 ring Muscle Up 9 KB Turkish Get-up (35/53 lb) 3/27 RX For time: 150-ft walking Dumbbell lunge (35/50 lb) 50 alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatch 150-ft DB walking lunges 50 single-arm Dumbbell Hang Power Clean 150-ft DB walking lunges 50 lateral hops over DB 150-ft DB walking lunges 50 single-arm Dumbbell Deadlift – Use a single DB for all weighted movements. 3/28 RX AMRAP 12: 50-ft. Handstand Walk 20 Toes-to-Bar 10 Push Jerk (105/155 lb) 3/29 RX For time: 15 DB burpee box overs (35/50 lb) (20/24 in) 15 Deadlift (205/315 lb) 15 Overhead Squat (135/205 lbs) 15 ring Muscle Up – Use two DBs for the DB burpee box overs 3/30 RX 5 x 2:00 rounds for reps: 18/25 calorie Row Max Double Unders – Rest 2:00 between sets 3/31 Randy RX For time: 75 Power Snatch (55/75 lb) 4/1 RX Double Murph (wear a vest) Run 1 mile 100 Pullups 200 Pushups 300 Air Squats Run 2 mile 300 Air Squat 200 Push up 100 pull up Run 1 mile WARM-UP
2 sets: :20 Burpees 10 Snatch Grip Deadlift (empty barbell) :20 burpees 10 snatch grip Bent over row :20 burpees 10 single-leg slow calf raises / leg :20 burpees 1 set: 5 hang muscle snatches (empty barbell) 5 Power Snatch 5 high hang snatches 3 sets: 6 Hang Power Snatch NOTES
Pre-workout: 5 sets for quality: 5 snatch push presses 5 hang muscle snatches – Rest :60 between sets. RX AMRAP 20 with a partner: Partner 1: 250/300-m Row Partner 2: 12 Hang Power Snatch (75/115 lb) – Partners rotate after the row and snatches are completed. – Partners perform 5 synchronized bar-facing burpees before rotating. INTERMEDIATE AMRAP 20 with a partner: Partner 1: 250/300-m row Partner 2: 12 hang power snatches (55/75 lb) – Partners rotate after the row and snatches are completed. – Partners perform 5 synchronized bar-facing burpees before rotating. BEGINNER AMRAP 20 with a partner: Partner 1: 250/300-m row Partner 2: 10 hang power snatches (35/45 lb) – Partners rotate after the row and snatches are completed. – Partners perform 5 synchronized bar-facing burpees before rotating. Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 80 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 20 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 15 min 2 sets: 2 Clean (80%) 2 sets: 1 clean (83%) 2 sets: 1 clean (85%) 1 set: 1 clean (87%) NOTES
Workout 3: 15 min 5 sets: 2 High Pull Clean NOTES
Stretching: 10 min 2 sets: :30 standing pike stretch :30 Scorpion Stretch / side WARM-UP
1 set: 20 Jumping Jack 10 Situps 1:00 Plank :20 Assault Bike 1 set: 20 Jumping Jack 10 GHD Sit-up to parallel 30 alternating handstand shoulder taps (against the wall) :20 bike 1 set: 20 jumping jacks 10 GHD sit-ups 100-ft Handstand Walk :20 bike NOTES
RX / Intermediate / Beginner 5 sets for load: 5 Back Squat Competition: 70 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 15 min 3 rounds for reps: 1:00 GHD Sit-up 1:00 standing bike (for calories) 1:00 Handstand Walk – Rest 2:00 between sets. NOTES
Workout 2: 10 min AMRAP 7: 20 Double Unders 5 Chest-to-Bar Pullups Stimulus & Goals
Workout 3: 15 min For as many sets as possible: 500-m Row @ 2:00/1:50 500-m row @ 1:58/1:48 500-m row @ 1:56/1:46 – Continue to reduce by :02 in each set until failure. – Rest 1:00 between intervals. Stimulus & Goals
Stretching: 10 min 2 sets: 1:00 Foam Roll Quad 1:00 saddle stretch |
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