2 sets: 1:00 Run, Assault Bike, Row, or Double Unders 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift to mid-thigh (45/35 lb) 5 Snatch High Pull 5 Muscle Snatch 5 Overhead Squat 5 Hang Snatch 5 Snatch 2 sets: 5 snatches (add 5-25 lb to each side) 10 Box Steps (Set 1) / 10 Box Jumps (Set 2) Pre-workout: On a 8:00 clock: Build up to a 2-rep Power Snatch - ignore if doing full competition programming Rx 21-15-9 Snatch (115/75 lb) Box Jumps (24/20 in) INTERMEDIATE For time: 21-15-9 Snatches (95/65 lb) Box jumps (24/20 in) BEGINNER For time: 21-15-9 Snatches (45/35 lb) Box jumps (20/16 in) Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 61 Min Warm-up: 15 minutes See above Workout 1: 10 minutes Today's Rx Workout 2: 10 minutes Post-workout: On a 10:00 clock: Build up to a 5-rep max Snatch NOTES
Workout 3: 15 minutes Accessory 3 sets: 10 snatch-grip shrugs 10 supinated snatch-grip bent-over rows 20 weighted sit-ups 20 Evil Wheel NOTES
Workout 4: 16 minutes Conditioning EMOM 16: Min. 1 | :40 calorie Row Min. 2 | :40 Bar Facing Burpee Stimulus & Goals
Stretching: 5 minutes 2 sets: :30 Doorway Pec Stretch / side :30 Banded Shoulder Stretch / Side
2 sets: 1:30 Row / Assault Bike / Ski Jumper / Run 5 Inch-worm + 1 Pushups / rep 10 empty Deadlift 3 Wall Walk 10 empty High Pull Clean 1 set: 3 handstand push-up negatives :20 headstand hold 3 kipping Handstand Pushup 10 handstand shoulder taps, slow 5 kipping Handstand Pushup 1 set: 10 Hang Power Cleans (empty bar) 10 tall power cleans (empty bar) 10 Power Clean (empty bar) 1 set: 7 Power Clean 5 power cleans 3 power cleans NOTES
Pre-workout: 5 sets: 50-ft. Handstand Walk RX 15.4 AMRAP 8: 3 Handstand Pushup 3 Clean (185/125 lb) 6 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 9 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 12 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 15 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 18 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 21 handstand push-ups 9 cleans – Add 3 reps to the handstand push-up each round, and 3 reps to the clean every 3 rounds. INTERMEDIATE AMRAP 8: 3 handstand push-ups 3 cleans (135/95 lb) 6 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 9 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 12 handstand push-ups 6 cleans . . . BEGINNER AMRAP 8: 3 Hand Release Push-up 3 cleans (75/55 lb) 6 hand release push-ups 3 cleans 9 hand release push-ups 3 cleans 12 hand release push-ups 6 cleans . . . Stimulus & Goals
Stretching: 10 minutes 3 sets: 10 ATY Drill :30 Doorway Pec Stretch / side Competition: Rest Day 2/27
CrossFit Open 15.4 AMRAP 8: 3 Handstand Pushup 3 Clean (185/125 lb) 6 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 9 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 12 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 15 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 18 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 21 handstand push-ups 9 cleans – Add 3 reps to the handstand push-up each round, and 3 reps to the clean every 3 rounds. 2/28 21-15-9 Snatch (115/75 lb) Box Jumps (24/20 in) 3/1 For time: 100 Double Unders 21 Front Squat (115/75 lb) 21 Push Press (115/75 lb) 100 double-unders 15 front squats 15 push presses 100 double-unders 9 front squats 9 push presses 3/2 4 rounds for reps: 3:00-cal. Row 1:00 Muscle Up 3/3 10 sets for load: 2 Back Squat 3/4 CrossFit Open 22.2 Your guess is as good as mine! 3/5 For Time 3,000/2,100-m Assault Bike 75 Kettlebell Swing (32/24 kg) 1,000/800-m Row 60 Wall Balls (20/14 lb) 800-m Run 45 Pullups WARM-UP
1 set: 1:00 Row for meters :30 Hollow Hold 30 Shoulder Taps 1:00 row for meters :30 hollow rocks 20 piked shoulder taps 1:00 row for meters :30 Arch Rock 10 handstand shoulder taps 1:00 row for meters 1 set: 10 Scap Pull up 10 Kip Swing 10 kipping leg raises :20 Handstand 5 Toes-to-Bar :20 Handstand 5 toes-to-bars NOTES
Pre-workout: EMOM 5: 1-5 Waiter Walks RX 5 rounds for time: 1:00 Handstand 21 Toes-to-Bar INTERMEDIATE 5 rounds for time: 1:00 handstand hold 21 knees-to-armpits BEGINNER 5 rounds for time: 1:00 Plank 21 sit-ups Competition: 65 min Warm-up: 15 minutes See above Workout 1: 15 minutes Today's Rx Workout 2: 10 minutes Post-workout: On a 10:00 clock: Build up to a 5-rep max shoulder-to-overhead Workout 3: 15 minutes Accessory EMOM 15: Min. 1 | :20 ring-dip hold (top) Min. 2 | :20 ring-dip hold (bottom) Min. 3 | :40 max Pushups NOTES
Stretching: 10 minutes Accumulate: 30 ATY Drill – Use 2.5 or 5-lb plates WARM-UP
1 set: 10 hip crossovers 10 Leg Swing / leg 10 Dive Bomber Push up 10 Alternating Spiderman Stretch 10 alternating Samson stretches 10 Cossack Squat 10 slow calf raises / leg then… :45 Run, Row, Assault Bike, or Single-Unders Set 1 | :45 Inch-worm+ Pushups Set 2 | :45 Box Steps Set 3 | :45 Shoulder Taps Set 4 | :45 light DB muscle snatches NOTES
Rx / Comp Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 3 Wall Walk 12 Dumbbell Snatch 15 Box Jump Over 35 / 50-lb dumbbell, 20 / 24-in box INTERMEDIATE AMRAP 15: 3 scaled wall walks (hands must cross the 2" starting line and return) 12 alternating DB snatches (20/35 lb) 15 box jump-overs (20/24 in) BEGINNER AMRAP 15: 3 inchworms in place 12 alternating DB snatches (10/15 lb) 15 box step-overs (16/20 in) NOTES
Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 60 min Warm-up: 15 minutes See above Workout 1: 15 minutes Today's Rx Workout 2: 16 minutes Main Lift 4 sets for reps: :20 Shoulder Press (40-50%) – Rest 1:40 between sets. 4 sets for reps: :20 Shoulder Press (50-60%) – Rest 1:40 between sets. Workout 3: ? minutes Accessory Accumulate: 5:00 in a Plank – Every time you break perform 20 GHD Hip Extension Stretching: 10 minutes Accumulate: 1:00 Foam Roll Quad 1:00 Foam Roll Low Back 1:00 foam roll calves Warm Up:
On a 6:00 clock 20 Jumping Jack 10 Groiner Stretch 10 Hollow Rock 10 Superman 5 PVC Overhead Squat Rx 2 rounds for time: 50 GHD Sit-up 60 GHD Hip Extension 70 Pistol INTERMEDIATE 2 rounds for time: 30 GHD sit-ups 40 hip extensions 50 Pistol BEGINNER 2 rounds for time: 40 sit-ups 50 good mornings 60 Air Squats Recovery: 3 sets :30 pigeon stretch / side 10 alternating scorpion stretch Competition: Rest Day Just a reminder that the CrossFit Open starts this Friday. If you want your name on the Gym T-Shirt sign up at Games.CrossFit.com. You have until Monday to sign up.
Make sure to put yourself on the Alternative Athletics Team. CrossFit does not give you a T-shirt for participating in the open, so we have one made up every year with everyone's name and sell them at cost. IDIFTS -C- WARM-UP
2 sets: 15/10-cal. Row 10 Box Steps 10 Pushups 5 Box Jumps 5/3 Strict Pullup 3 sets: 5 Burpee Box Jump Over – Rest :30-1:00 between sets. 1 set: 1 Rope Climb 1 partial Legless Rope Climb 1 set: 10/7-cal. Row 5 burpee box jump-overs 1 legless rope climb Pre-workout: EMOM 5: Min. 1 | 18/13-cal. Row Min. 2 | 21/15-cal. row Min. 3 | 23/18-cal. row Min. 4 | 21/15-cal. row Min. 5 | 18/13-cal. row NOTES
5 rounds for time: 21/15-cal. Row 12 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20 in) 1 Legless Rope Climb (15 ft) INTERMEDIATE 5 rounds for time: 15/10-cal. row 12 burpee box jump-overs (24/20 in) 1 Rope Climb (15 ft) BEGINNER 5 rounds for time: 10/7-cal. row 12 Burpees Box Steps-overs (20/12 in) 3 Pull-to-Stands Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 1 Hr 10 min Warm-up: 15 minutes See Above Workout 1: 20 minutes Today's Rx Workout 2: 10 minutes Post-workout: On a 10:00 clock: Snatch 5 reps @ 50% of 1-rep max 5 reps @ 60% of 1-rep max 5 reps @ 70% of 1-rep max 5 reps @ 80% of 1-rep max NOTES
Workout 3: 15 minutes Accessory 5 sets for speed and load: 5 high hang snatches 5 Snatch Balance NOTES
Stretching: 10 minutes 3 sets: 20 Banded pull aparts :30 Wrist Extension Stretch / arm WARM-UP
3 sets: 1:00 Run, Assault Bike, Row, or Ski Jumper 10 Push Up to Down Dog 10 jump squat 1 set: 10 Front Squat (45/35 lb) 10 Shoulder Press 4-5 sets: 1 Thruster / Push Press / Push Jerk / Split Jerk NOTES
Pre-workout: 8 sets for reps: :20 alternating single Dumbbell Clean and Dumbbell Push Jerk – Rest :10 RX / Intermediate / Beginner 7 sets for load: 1 Thruster / Push Press / Push Jerk / Split Jerk Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 1 Hr 10 min Warm-up: 15 minutes see above Workout 1: 20 minutes Today's Rx Workout 2: 25 minutes 5 sets for reps: Every 3:00 complete: 400-m run Max Weighted Box Step (35/20 lb) (24/20 in) – Rest 2:00 between sets – Use two DBs Stimulus & Goals
Stretching: 10 minutes accumulate 30: reach, roll, and lift WARM-UP
3 sets: 5 super slow Squat Therapy 10 Kip Swing 15 Jumping Jack 1 set: 10 Medicine Ball Squat (workout weight) 3-5 Pullups 10 medicine-ball push presses 3-5 pull-ups 10 Wall Balls 3-5 pull-ups NOTES
Rx For time: 50-35-20 Wall Balls (20/14 lb) (10/9 ft) Pullups INTERMEDIATE For time: 50-35-20 Wall balls (14/10 lb) (10/9 ft) Pull-ups BEGINNER For time: 30-20-10 Wall balls (10/6 lb) (10/9 ft) Jumping pull-ups Stimulus & Goals
Post-workout: Accumulate: 50 alternating single-leg toes-to-bars Competition: 1 Hr 20 min Warm-up: 15 minutes see above Workout 1: 15 minutes Today's Rx Workout 2: 20 minutes 5 sets for speed and load: 5 Back Squat – Rest 1:30 between sets – Use 50-60% for all 5 sets NOTES
Workout 3: 20 minutes Accessory Every 2:00 for 10 sets: For speed: 50-m Prowler Push sprint NOTES
Stretching: 10 minutes Accumulate: 1:00 Banded Shoulder Stretch / Side 1:00 Couch Stretch / side |
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