3 sets: 9/12-calorie Row 10 PVC Good Mornings 20 Alternating Spiderman Stretch (10/side) 1 set: :20 max calorie row :20 Farmer Walks hold 1 set: :20 max calorie row :20 farmers carry walk / jog NOTES
For time: 1:00 max calorie Row 150-m DB Farmer Walks (50 / 35 lb) – Complete as many rounds as needed to accumulate 120/150 calories INTERMEDIATE For time: 1:00 max calorie row 150-m DB farmers carry (35 / 20 lb) – Complete as many rounds as needed to accumulate 100/120 calories. BEGINNER For time: 1:00 max calorie row 150-m DB farmers carry (15 / 10 lb) – Complete as many rounds as needed to accumulate 65/80 calories. Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 75 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 20 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 15 min Deadlift: For load: 10 reps (105%) 12 reps (100%) 14 reps (95%) – Rest 3:00 NOTES
Workout 3: 15 min 4 sets for load: 1:00 KB front-rack hold 15 sumo-stance Good Mornings NOTES
Stretching: 5 min 2 sets: :30 Banded Shoulder Stretch / Side / side :30 Wrist Extension Stretch / side
Gym Open 10 am - Noon
WARM-UP 2 sets: 50 Single-Unders 15 Air Squats 10 BW Box Steps (5/side) 2 sets: 35 Double Unders 10 counter-balance squats (15/10) 10 half-rep Burpees (arm stay extended) 2 sets: 15 double-unders 5 burpees NOTES
RX / Intermediate AMRAP 12: 10 Burpees 25 Double Unders BEGINNER AMRAP 12: 10 burpees 30 Single-Unders Post-workout: 6 sets for load 3 Shoulder Press from the floor – Rest 1:00-1:30 between sets. Competition: 70 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 15 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 15 min Back Squat: For load: 10 reps (105%) 12 reps (100%) 14 reps (95%) – Rest 3:00 between sets. NOTES
Workout 3: 15 min 5 sets for load: 10 alternating Weighted Box Step (20/24 in) 10 alternating Reverse Lunges NOTES
Stretching: 5 min Accumulate: 1:00 foam roll calves / leg 1:00 Lacrosse Ball Roll / Foot Warm up
8 sets: :20 max-distance Row :10 Rest 2 sets: 5 Overhead Squat (building) RX / Intermediate On a 32:00 clock: From 0:00-18:00: For load: Overhead Squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 Perform 1 set every 2:00. Rest 2:00 From 20:00-32:00: For time: Row 1,700 / 2,000 m BEGINNER On a 32:00 Clock: From 0:00-18:00: For load: Overhead squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 Perform 1 set every 2:00. Rest 2:00 From 20:00-32:00: For time: Row 1,000/1,300 m Stretch 2 sets: :30 foam roll IT band / side :30 Foam Roll Quad / side Competition: Rest Day 5/29
On a 32:00 clock: From 0:00-18:00: For load: Overhead Squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 Perform 1 set every 2:00. Rest 2:00 From 20:00-32:00: For time: Row 1,700 / 2,000 m 5/30 AMRAP 12: 10 Burpees 25 Double Unders 5/31 For time: 1:00 max calorie Row 150-m DB Farmer Walks (35/50 lb) – Complete as many rounds as needed to accumulate 120/150 calories 6/1 For time: 12-9-6: Deadlift (205/315 lb) Bar Muscle up 6/2 For time: 10 Wall Walk 30 Box Jumps (20/24 in) 30 Strict Knee to Elbow 30 box jumps 30 Strict Toes to Bar 30 box jumps 10 wall walks 6/3 Manion 7 rounds for time: 400-m Run 29 Back Squat (95/135 lb) 6/4 5 rounds for reps with a partner: 2:00 Bench Press (105/155 lb) 2:00 L-Sit Pullups WARM-UP
1 set: Run 100 m 5 Inch-worm + Pushups 10 banded instead of PVC Pass-throughs 15 Banded pull aparts 1 set: Run 200 m 10 Dumbbell Deadlift (light) 10 Kip Swing 1 set: Run 400 m 10 Russian KB swing (light) 10 kip swings (bigger) 1 set: 10 Kettlebell Swing (light) 5-10 kipping Pullups 1 set: 10 American swings (working weight) 5-10 Chest-to-Bar Pullups Pre-workout: 2 sets: Max Strict Pullup – Rest 3:00 between sets. NOTES
Rx / Intermediate Helen 3 rounds for time: 400-m Run 21 Kettlebell Swing (16/24 kg) 12 Pullups BEGINNER 3 rounds for time: 200-m run 21 kettlebell swings (8/12 kg) 12 Jumping pull-ups Competition: 70 min Warm up: 20 min See above Workout 1: 15 min Heavy Helen 3 rounds for time: 400-m run 21 Kettlebell Swing (24/32 kg) 12 Chest-to-Bar Pullups Stimulus & Goals
Workout 2: 15 min Deadlift: For load: 8 reps (107%) 10 reps (103%) 12 reps (98%) – Rest 3:00 between sets. NOTES
Workout 3: 15 min 5 sets for quality: 10 Single-Leg Deadlifts / leg 15 GHD Back Extension NOTES
Stretching: 5 min 3 sets: :30 Supine Snow Angel :30 prone snow angel :30 Scap Push-ups WARM-UP
3 sets: 1:00 Assault Bike, Row, Skierg, or Run 10 PVC Pass-throughs 10 ATY Drill (with small DB or plates) 10 Pushups to down dog 10 PVC Shoulder Press 1 set: 10 Shoulder Press (35/45 lb) 5 strict presses (add 10-25 lb to each side) 5 strict presses (add 10-25 lb to each side) 5 strict presses (add 10-25 lb to each side) – Your next weight should be your starting weight. NOTES
Pre-workout: 10 attempts: Max-distance Broad Jumps RX EMOM 15: Min. 1 | 12/15-cal. Assault Bike bike Min. 2 | 10 Box Jumps (20/24 in) + 10 Burpees Min. 3 | Rest INTERMEDIATE EMOM 15: Min. 1 | 9/12-cal. Assault Bike Min. 2 | 10 box jumps (20/24 in) + 10 burpees Min. 3 | Rest BEGINNER EMOM 15: Min. 1 | 6/9-cal. Assault Bike Min. 2 | 5 box jumps (12/20 in) + 5 burpees Min. 3 | Rest Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 70 min Warm up: 20 min See above Workout 1: 15 min Shoulder Press: For load: 8 reps (107%) 10 reps (103%) 12 reps (98%) – Rest 3:00 between sets. NOTES
Workout 2: 15 min Today’s Rx Workout 3: 15 min 4 sets: 10 Alternating Single-Arm kb Strict Press / Arm 10 DB bent-over Y-raises 10 DB Cuban presses NOTES
Stretching: 5 min Accumulate: 1:00 foam roll calves / leg 1:00 Lacrosse Ball Roll / Foot UPDATE: There will be a gym BBQ after the comp. Meat provided; feel free to bring any other type of “cookout”-type food that strikes your fancy!
And announcing … the “Blind Date” In-House Competition on July 9th! Sign-ups at the desk; entry fee is $30. We had 3 people comment on the survey, and one reach out in person. With this mountain of data, it has been decided that the event will be a team competition. The kicker is the “blind” format. You will not know who your partner is until the morning of the comp! There will be two divisions: Scaled and RX. We will make sure that everyone has a partner. Only one person is working at a time. We don't care how you break it up, as long as all of the reps get done. Rx will be expected to perform: Deadlift 135 / 95 Clean and Jerk 135 / 95 Snatch 115 / 75 Back Squat 115 / 75 Toes-to-bar Chest-to-bar pull-up Bar muscle-up (or take a penalty) Kipping handstand push-up Double unders Box jump 24” / 20" Wallball 20# / 14# If you are in the Scaled division, we will make sure that all the workouts are accessible. Workouts will be released the day of the event.. Warm Up
2 sets: :20 Pistol or scaling option – Rest :10 :20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (workout weight) – Rest :10 RX 4 rounds for time: 30 Pistol 15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/115 lb) INTERMEDIATE 4 rounds for time: 30 single-leg squats 15 sumo deadlift high pulls (65/95 lb) BEGINNER 4 rounds for time: 30 Reverse Lunges 15 sumo deadlift high pulls (55/75 lb) Post-workout: 3 sets for load: 10 Single-Leg Deadlifts / leg 1:00 Plank (push-up position) STRETCHING | 3:00 Accumulate: 1:00 Couch Stretch / side 1:00 quad foam roll / side 1:00 Plank Competition: Rest Day WARM-UP
1 set: :30 Row 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift (35/45 lb) 10 Air Squats 1 set: :30 row 5 Snatch High Pull (35/45 lb) 10 Reverse Lunges 1 set: :30 row 5 Muscle Snatch (35/45 lb) 10 Pistol to a target 1 set: :30 row 5 Power Snatch (35/45 lb) 10 single-leg squats 3 sets: 4 power snatches (touch-and-go) – Rest 1:00 between sets. NOTES
RX / Intermediate On a 32:00 clock: From 0:00-18:00: For load: Bench Press 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 Perform 1 set every 2:00. Rest 2:00 From 20:00-32:00 For time: Run 1 mile BEGINNER On a 32:00 Clock: From 0:00-18:00: For load: Bench press 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 Perform 1 set every 2:00. Rest 2:00 From 20:00-32:00 For time: Run 1,000 m Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 100 min Warm up: 20 min Workout 1: 20 min 5 sets: On a 2:00 clock: 4 Power Snatch (105/155 lb) 16 alternating Pistol Max calorie Row in remaining time. – Rest 2:00 between sets. Stimulus & Goals
Workout 2: 35 min Today’s Rx Workout 3: 15 min 4 sets for quality: 25 seated leg raises 5 L-pull-ups 5 wall walks NOTES
Stretching: 5 min 3 sets: :30 reach, roll, and lift 30 Banded pull aparts |
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January 2025
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