Competition payment and sign-ups need to be in by Friday!
We will be closed on Monday, July 4th. Take a rest day, but if you can't, the workout of the day is Murph. Grab a backpack (20# / 15#) and find a place to do a pull up. If you did Murph on Memorial Day, may I suggest : Clovis, Bert, JT, Kerrie, or Zachary Tellier
Warm Up
3 sets: :20 Jumping Jack – Rest :10 :20 Up-Downs – Rest :10 On an 8:00 clock: Handstand walk/wall walk practice
3-4 sets: 3-5 Push Jerk RX / Intermediate / Beginner 5 sets for load: 5 Push Jerk Competition: Rest Day Stretching: 1 set 1:30 Foam Rolling Lats / side 1:30 t-spine foam roll with arms overhead WARM-UP
1 set: 10 Dumbbell Deadlift (right arm) 5 Single Arm Ring Row / arm 10 DB deadlifts (left arm) 15 Situps 1 set: 10 alternating DB deadlifts + shrug 5 Jumping pull-ups chest-to-bar pull-ups 10 alternating DB deadlifts + shrug 5 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups 1 set: 5 right-arm DB overhead squats 5 Chest-to-Bar Pullups 5 left-arm DB overhead squats 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups 1 set: 6 alternating Dumbbell Snatch 1-2 Bar Muscle up 6 alternating DB deadlifts + shrug 1-2 bar muscle-ups NOTES
Pre-workout: On a 10:00 clock: Build to a heavy 5-rep DB snatch / arm – Complete 5 consecutive reps on one arm, then 5 more on the other. RX AMRAP 10: 12 alternating Dumbbell Snatch (35/50 lb) 4 Bar Muscle up INTERMEDIATE AMRAP 10: 12 alternating DB snatches (20/35 lb) 4 Chest-to-Bar Pullups BEGINNER AMRAP 10: 12 alternating DB snatches (10/15 lb) 4 banded strict pull-ups Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 80 min Warm up: 15 min See above Workout 1: 10 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 15 min Shoulder Press 4 sets: 10 reps (90%) – Rest 1:00 between sets. NOTES
Workout 3: 20 min 10 rounds: 1 Rope Climb (15 ft) 7/10-cal. Assault Bike 100-m shuttle run – Complete the shuttle in 25-m segments. Stimulus & Goals
Workout 4: 15 min Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes: 10 Pendlay rows 15 DB pull-overs NOTES
Stretching: 5 min 1 set: 1:00 barbell bicep mash / arm 1:00 barbell forearm mash / arm 1:00 double forearm stretch on wall WARM-UP
3 sets: 1:00 Assault Bike, Row, Skierg, or Run 10 Alternating Spiderman Stretch 10 Leg Swing / leg (across body) 10 Good Mornings 10 Air Squats 1 set: 10 Back Squat (35/45 lb) 5 back squats (add 10-45 lb to each side) 5 back squats (add 10-45 lb to each side) 5 back squats (add 10-45 lb to each side) – Your next weight should be your starting weight. NOTES
RX / Intermediate / Beginner On a 20:00 clock: 10 rounds: 3 Front Squat 1:00 calories on any machine – Increase front squat load as desired. Stimulus & Goals
Post-workout: On a 3:00 clock: Max-effort Plank hold – Rest as little as possible/try to go unbroken. – Add load for athletes who can perform 3:00 unbroken. Competition: 80 min Warm up: 20 min See above Workout 1: Main Lift Back Squat 4 sets: 10 reps (90%) – Rest 1:00 between sets. NOTES
Workout 2: 20 min Today’s Rx Workout 3: 15 min 4 rounds for time: 25 GHD Sit-up 100-ft sandbag carry (150/100 lb) NOTES
Stretching: 10 min 2 sets: 1:00 quad foam roll 1:00 saddle stretch Hey Ya'll,
Here is the skinny on the competition. Right now, we have 7 members signed up. The competition is July 9th, just under 2 weeks away. Even if you don't want to compete, you can volunteer as a judge or score keeper. If we don't have at least 10 members (5 teams signed up & paid) by Friday, I'll turn it back into an individual competition. The cost is $30 per person to cover cash prizes and a T-shirt (which we will order when we know how many competitors we have). Friday also gives me a week to come up with snarky team names for the randomly generated couples. If you don't like my team name, you can change it the day of the competition. I will post the teams the Friday morning before the comp, so you can touch base with your partner and strategize for 24 hours. To sweeten the pot, I will release the workouts today for those who are concerned. For full disclosure, these workouts were originally created by Adam and then modified for a partner competition. Originally, I wasn't going to let Adam compete since he made up the basis of the workouts. However, now that the teams are paired up at random, I don't think it is much of an advantage. Also, if we end up with an odd number in the Rx division, you might get stuck with me as the odd man out. I have trainers on stand-by in the scaled division as well. The primary rule on all workouts = one person working at a time. These are listed as Rx; the scaled division will be changed to fit the ability of the individual (still challenging, but possible). WOD I: 15-min. AMRAP 30 Deadlift 135 / 95 30 Toes to Bar 20 Clean and Jerk 135 / 95 20 Chest to Bar (has to contact) 10 Snatch 115 / 75 10 Bar Muscle-ups or 30 Burpee pull-ups (we will make sure you can reach the bar) Both members must do the same movement, but one person can do all of the movement. To keep bar loading fair. Plate changes have to be done by one person per bar. No changing of plates until both team members are done with that movement. Women's bar will have a 5# on the inside followed by a 15# and a 10#, Men's bars will have a 35# with a 10# on the outside. WOD II: 15-min. time cap 75 Wall Balls (20 / 14) 30 Cal Bike Max HSPU - you can rest on your head to prepare, but you cannot do a rep until your partner is standing. WOD III: No time cap Row 1000 M (each team gets one rower) 42 Box Jumps; can't jump until the other person lands (24" / 20") 30 Burpees to a #45 plate while holding a 25 / 15# plate 18 Back Squats 135 / 95 One person cannot approach the the rack until the other person has racked their bar. 200 Doubleunders or 600 singles Both members must do the same movement, but one person can do all of the movement. If you have any questions concerning the workouts or movements, text Clint @ (406) 839-8797. U.S. Army 1st Lt. Dimitri Del Castillo, 24, of Tampa, Florida, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, died on June 25, 2011, in Kunar Province, Afghanistan, from wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with small-arms fire. He is survived by his wife, Katie; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos E. Del Castillo; his brother, Carlos Andres; and sister, Anna. WARM-UP
1 set: 200-m Run 10 Inch-worm + Pushups 15 Jumping pull-ups 1 set: 200-m jog 10 piked push-up 10 Strict Pullup 1 set: 200-m jog (14/20 lb) 10 Up-Downs :30 Handstand 10 Pullups 1 set: 100-m jog (14/20 lb) 5 Burpees 5 Weighted Pull up 5 Handstand Pushup 5 Chest-to-Bar Pullups NOTES
Del RX For time: 25 Burpees 400-m weighted run (14/20 lb) 25 Weighted Pull up (14/20 lb) 400-m weighted run 25 Handstand Pushup 400-m weighted run 25 Chest-to-Bar Pullups 400-m weighted run 25 burpees INTERMEDIATE For time: 25 burpees 400-m weighted run (10/14 lb) 25 strict pull-ups 400-m weighted run 15 handstand push-ups 400-m weighted run 25 chin-over-bar pull-ups 400-m weighted run 25 burpees BEGINNER For time: 25 burpees 400-m run 25 Ring Rows 200-m run 15 Pushups 400-m run 25 Jumping pull-ups 200-m run 25 Burpees Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 80 min Warm up: 15 min See Above Work out 1: 30 min Del Workout 2: 15 min Snatch: 1 set for reps: 1:00 Snatch (55%) – Rest 3:00 1 set for reps: 1:00 snatches (50%) – Rest 3:00 1 set for reps: 1:00 snatches (45%) – Rest 3:00 NOTES
Workout 3: 15 min ACCESSORY - I 5 sets for separate loads: 5 snatch-grip push presses 5 muscle snatches NOTES
Stretching: 5 min 1 set: 1:00 Calf Foam Roll w/ barbell 1:00 Banded Shoulder Stretch / Side Warm up
1 set: 20 Box Steps (10/leg) 10 Cuban Press Barbell 5 Inch-worm 1 set: 20 box step-ups (10/leg) 10 Sumo Deadlift 10 single-arm Dumbbell High pull (10/side) 1 set: 15 Box Jumps 10 sumo deadlifts 10 single-arm hang DB high pulls (10/side) 2 sets: 7 Snatch Grip Deadlift 7 Snatch High Pull 7 Muscle Snatch 7 Overhead Squat 7 Hang Power Snatch 7 Power Snatch – Use a PVC on the first set and an empty barbell on the second set. 1-2 sets: 5 unbroken Sumo Deadlift High Pull RX / Intermediate AMRAP 9: 10 Box Jumps (20/24 in) 11 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (65/95 lb) – Athletes must step down from the box. BEGINNER AMRAP 9: 10 box step-ups (12/20 in) 11 sumo deadlift high pulls (35/45 lb) Post-workout: Accumulate: 3:00 face up GHD hold or Hollow Hold Stretching: 2 sets: :30 Calf Stretch / side :30 Couch Stretch / side :30 Standing Hamstring Stretch / side Competition: Rest Day 6/26
AMRAP 9: 10 Box Jumps (20/24 in) 11 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (65/95 lb) – Athletes must step down from the box. 6/27 Del For time: 25 Burpees 400-m weighted run (14/20 lb) 25 Weighted Pull up (14/20 lb) 400-m weighted run 25 Handstand Pushup 400-m weighted run 25 Chest-to-Bar Pullups 400-m weighted run 25 burpees 6/28 On a 20:00 clock: 10 rounds: 3 front squats 1:00 calories on any machine – Increase front squat load as desired. 6/29 AMRAP 10: 12 alternating Dumbbell Snatch (35/50 lb) 4 Bar Muscle up 6/30 5 sets for load: 5 Push Jerk 7/1 5 rounds for time: 63 Double Unders 15 Box Jump Over (20/24 in) 9 Hang Squat Clean (75/115 lb) – Athletes must step down from the top of the box. 7/2 5 rounds each for time with a partner: 150-m Run 15 Knee to Elbow 15 Burpees WARM-UP
3 sets: 20 slow calf raises 15 tibial raises 1:00 Row 2 sets: 7/10-cal. row 50 Single-Unders 20 bodyweight split squats 2 sets: 7/10-cal. row 30 Double Unders 10 Walking Lunge NOTES
Rx 3 rounds for time: 35/50-cal. Row 150 Double Unders 50 Walking Lunge Competition: 80 min Warm up: 15 min See Above Workout 1: 25 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 15 min Back Squat 4 sets: 8 reps (100%) – Rest 1:00 between sets. NOTES
Workout 3: 15 min 5 rounds for time: 50-ft Prowler Push (25/45 lb) 25-ft Sled Drag (25/45 lb) NOTES
Stretching: 10 min Accumulate: 1:00 Lacrosse Ball Roll / Foot Party from 6 - 10 pm
3150 Driftwood Cir in Lockwood Space Theme costumes Volley ball, bouncy house / slide |
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January 2025
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