Warm Up:
3 Rounds 6 Ring Rows 10 Band Pulldowns Find Your 1 Rep Max Weighted Pull up then Find your max Air Squats in 2 min then Post Max Conditioning 3 min Amrap 500m Row 5 Box Jumps (24/18) Max kettlebell Swings (33% snatch) 2 min rest 3 min Amrap 400m Row 4 Box Jumps (24/18) Max kettlebell Swings (33% snatch) 2 min rest 3 min Amrap 300m Row 3 Box Jumps (24/18) Max Kettlebell swings (33% snatch) Recovery 5 Rounds 30 Mountain Climbers (single count) 30 Lunge steps (single count)
Just a quick announcement that we will be closing an hour early on Halloween (tomorrow.) Hours will be from 5:30am - 6:00pm. All the trainers have kids and all the kids want candy. Those greedy little goblins
Army Captain Dan Whitten, 28, of Grimes, Iowa, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died February 2, 2010, when enemy forces in Zabul, Afghanistan, attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device. Whitten is survived by his wife, Starr Whitten, his mother, Jill Whitten, his father, Dan Whitten, and his sister, U.S. Army Captain Sarah Whitten. "Whitten" Five rounds for time of: 22 Kettlebell Swing, 2 pood 22 Box Jumps, 24 inch box Run 400 meters 22 Burpees 22 Wall Balls, 20 pound ball Recovery Row 500 then: 3 Rounds 20 Sit ups 15 Air Squats 10 Pushups
4 - 2 - 1 Front Squat 90% 9 - 6 - 3 Tire Flips 10/30 "Whitten" Five rounds for time of: 22 Kettlebell Swing, 2 pood 22 Box Jumps, 24 inch box Run 400 meters 22 Burpees 22 Wall Balls, 20 pound ball 10/31 Max Weighted Pull up max 2 min Air Squats Ryan wod 11/1 30 Man Makers for time @ 20% c&j each hand 11/2 Cade 2 - 20 Thruster @ 95 / 65 Burpees 11/3 20 min AMRAP 7 Bounding Steps 10 Horizontal Kettlebell Swing 13 Toes-to-Bar 11/4 Kev With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 26 minutes of: 6 Deadlift, 315 lb., each 9 Bar-facing Burpees, synchronized 9 Bar Muscle up, each 55-ft. Partner Barbell Carry, 315 lb.
Hey Everyone, I despise politics in the gym, on Facebook and this website, but there is an issue coming up before congress . . . again, that is going to shape so many aspects of our future I have to bring it to your attention. If you already know what I am talking about, hit the link below to call your congressmen. Tell them you won't re-elect someone who repeals internet neutrality. Seriously, call them. battleforthenet.com Here is what is going on again: Congress is discussing a FCC Proposal (designed by the current FCC Chairman who is a former Verizon Lawyer) to once again try to roll back the protections placed on the internet by congress in 2015. Net Neutrality is the right for everything and everyone to have the same "weight" on the internet from Amazon to porn, cat videos to academic research, Facebook to mom and pop shops. The internet, which was designed and freely given away to the public by its creator Tim Berners. (TED talk link) is potentially going to be consolidated into the hands of a select few corporate juggernauts. This matter relates to: Human Rights: The Arab Spring and other protests were largely organized and via the internet. Wikileaks - (link) and it's ability for whistle blowers and citizen oversight and The Panama Papers - (link) with its massive disclosure of US and World wide government corruption, wouldn't exist with out the internet. These are just a few of countless examples where the internet has helped concerned citizens have the power to play David against government Goliaths. Freedom of Speech: Stripping away internet protections would give the power (and price) of what we are able to view on the internet to four major corporations (AT&T, Time Warner, Comcast and Verizon), who have already been proven to act in violations of the laws currently in place. Have you ever had a customer service problem with these companies already? They would literally have the power to turn every cat video into an advertisement. It would be impossible for anyone not already in league with these Service Providers to get their word out. Consolidation of Corporate Power: The internet is how we research, find and buy goods. If this power was limited to just four companies who chose what we get to view and purchase, how would the Mom and Pop shops ever compete on a global level? The short answer is they wouldn't. This would be the largest consolidation of corporate power in American History and the literal death knell of the American "Bootstrap" Dream. So get on the horn and let congress know that this is important to its constituents. To do nothing is to be complacent with the stripping of your liberty. The world and most of us existed without the internet, but the world is never going to be without some version of it going forward. You can now take action to make sure that it is free for all, as it was designed, and not another act of corporate over reach. Warm Up:
2 Rounds 20 Band Abducted External Rotation 10 Kettlebell Bottoms up press (each) Alpine 6 Rounds 45 Seconds wood chopper @ 25% barbell snatch Right hand - even rounds / Left hand - odd rounds 45 Seconds KB Snatch (same kettlebell) Left hand - even rounds / right hand - odd rounds 3 minute rest Recovery 20 Minutes 50 Box Over Burpees then: Row for Max Distance Friday Nov 3rd: Barbell For Boobs @ Crossfit Yellowstone
Saturday Dec 2nd: Annie's Christmas Party (Open to all) Saturday Dec 9th: Copper City Hypoxia (team event) Saturday Dec 16th: Gym Christmas Party at the gym Monday Jan 1st: Winter Classic at the Hull House Friday Jan 27th: CrossFit RimRock competition Feb 11th: Winter Challenge @ Alternative Athletics Let me know if I am missing anything! Hey Everyone,
This weekend there seems to be a lot of school events and Halloween parties. Let me know in the comments if you plan on coming in to BBQ tomorrow. If people plan on showing up, I will bring some Beer Boiled Brats. (I will need someone willing to cook them while I coach.) If nobody comments, we can just bag it for the next two weeks. (Next week is the Barbells for Boobs event at Crossfit Yellowstone.) Let me know who is going to be here! -C- |
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