Warm Up: 5/31 CrossFit Open 14.4 14 minute AMRAP of: 60-calorie Row 50 Toes-to-Bar 40 Wall Balls, 20 lb. to 10-foot target / 14 lb. to 9-foot target 30 Clean, 135 lb. / 95 lb. 20 Muscle Up Recovery: 2 Rounds 400 Meter Run 500 Meter Row
Warm Up: 21-15-9 Bird Dogs Band Face Pulls 5 Rounds 20 Floor Wiper at 50% bench 200 ft Bear-crawl Recovery: 21-15-9 Wall Balls Wall Ball Situps Warm Up: 4 Rounds 30sec Assault Bike 10 Jumping Lunges 1 Rep Max 3 min max 100ft Prowler Push compare to 11/10/17 Recovery: 4 Rounds 10 Burpees 10 Box Jumps 5/27
5 rounds 10 Double KB Clean @ 25% max clean in each hand 3 Rope Climb 10 land mines @ 25% (each side) 5/28 Memorial Day Mandatory Rest Day 5/29 3 min max 100ft Prowler Push compare to 11/10/17 5/30 5 Rounds 20 Floor Wiper at 50% bench 200 ft Bear-crawl 5/31 CrossFit Open 14.4 Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 14 minutes of: 60-calorie Row 50 Toes-to-Bar 40 Wall Balls, 20 lb. to 10-foot target / 14 lb. to 9-foot target 30 Clean, 135 lb. / 95 lb. 20 Muscle Up 6/1 3 Rounds 30 Shoulder Press 30 Wallball Situp 6/2 "Zeus" Three rounds for time of: 30 Wall Balls, 20 / 16 pound ball 75 / 55 pound Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 30 reps 30 Box Jumps, 20" / 18” box 75 / 55 pound Push Press, 30 reps Row 30 calories 30 Pushups Body weight Back Squat, 10 reps Warm Up: 2 Rounds 12 Ring Rows 6 Back Extensions 12 Jumping Lunges 5 Rounds 10 Double KB Clean @ 25% max clean in each hand 3 Rope Climb 10 land mines @ 25% (each side) s Recovery: 40 Sit Ups 30 Air Squats 20 Cal Bike 15 Push Ups Nash, Mountain, Miller, McGill, Alba, Caballero, Hosoi, Guerrero, Elguera . . . with the tragic deaths of several of the latest generation skaters this year, it is good to see some of the old dogs going hard on their satan sticks. Van's pool party 2018!! Warm Up:
200-100-50ft Bear-crawl 20-15-10 Hip Extensions Cecilia Do 1 Burpees on the first minute 2 burpees on the second minute Continue increasing by one burpee every minute until you cannot get the given reps done in the given minute Men's: 21+21 Tate Women's: 19+14 Nellie Recovery: 3 Rounds 10 Burpees 10 Strict Pull Ups Warm Up: 3 Rounds 15 Air Squats 100m Run 8 Rounds 20 seconds Weighted Box Step @ 45% 10 seconds rest 20 seconds Kneeling Half Moon Snatch with plate 10 seconds rest 20 seconds max calories Assault Bike Recovery 2 Rounds 400 Meter Run 15 Kettle Bell Snatches (each arm) +Larry last second Yesterday 2M - 8min, 135, 24", 115 Warm Up: 4 Rounds20 Band Punch 5 Broad Jumps 15 Band Y Pull 20 min AMRAP 10 Bench Press @ 55% max 10 1 legged box jumps 10 Overhead Squat @ 55% max Recovery: 21-15-9 Squat Jumps Sit Ups Cpl. Luke Tamatea, 31, of Kawerau, New Zealand, was killed by a roadside bomb on Aug. 19, 2012, while serving with the New Zealand Defence Force in the Bamyan Province of Afghanistan. Tamatea was posted to 1st Battalion Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment and was serving his second tour in Afghanistan at the time of his death.
He was an avid CrossFit athlete and enjoyed body-weight exercises and practicing farmers carries over long distances in preparation for Special Forces selection. He is survived by his wife, Sarah Erb; and children, Kyla, Kaytlen, Nikita and Keira. Tama For time: 800-meter single-arm barbell Farmer Walks, 45/35 lb. 31 Toes-to-Bar 31 Pushups 31 Front Squat, 95/65 lb. 400-meter single-arm barbell Farmer Walks, 95/65 lb. 31 Toes-to-Bar 31 Pushups 31 Hang Power Clean, 135/95 lb. 200-meter single-arm barbell Farmer Walks, 135/95 lb. Scaling This Hero workout is long and will tax your grip. It will require focus to maintain balance on the carries. Try to modify the movements but preserve the 31 reps to commemorate Tama’s age. Pick movements that allow you to move continuously and with little rest. Intermediate Option For time: 800-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 45/35 lb. 31 toes-to-bars 31 push-ups 31 front squats, 75/55 lb. 400-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 75/55 lb. 31 toes-to-bars 31 push-ups 31 hang power cleans, 75/55 lb. 200-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 95/65 lb. Beginner Option For time: 400-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 35/22 lb. 31 sit-ups 31 knee push-ups 31 front squats, 35-/22 lb. 200-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 55/35 lb. 31 sit-ups 31 knee push-ups 31 hang power cleans, 55/35 lb. 200-meter single-arm barbell farmers carry, 55/35 lb. Recovery: Run 1 Mile |
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