Warm up: 3 Rounds 300M Row 200ft butt kickers 5 Strict Pullup 200 ft Backward Run Workout: 20 Min 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 . . . Ring Rows (elevate feet if possible) GHD Raise Each round 200M Backward Run out = 2 pt, back = 2 pt (first curb cut towards the metra is the dividing line) Oly: Snatch - 70% x 1, 75% x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1, 85% x 1 x 3 Clean & Jerk- 70% x 1+1, 75% x 1+1, 80% x 1+1, 85% x (1+1) x 3 Back Squat - 70% x 2, 75% x 2 x 3 3 Sets Jerk Dip (% of jerk) - 85% x 3 Romanian deadlift - 10% less than last week - x 5 2 sets: Jack Knife complex x max Single Leg Glute Bridge weighted x 10/leg Pullups x max Stretch: 2 min Bicep Stretch / each 2 min Banded Hamstring stretch / each 2 min Foam roll tibialis anterior / each Ignore the click bait title. The science of sugar and the things tied together are excellent.
Warm up: 2K Assault Bike 10 Kettlebell Swing 100 ft Toy Soldier 100 ft butt kickers 20 Leg Swing (10 each way / each leg) 10 Kettlebell Swing Workout: Test For Time: 1 Mile Run 2000/1600m Row 1 Mile Run Compare to 9/20/23 Oly: Rest Day Stretch: 2 min Samson stretches / each 2 min Foam roll tibialis anterior / each 2 min Rocking Calf Stretch / each Warm up:
2K Assault Bike 5 Squat Therapy 20 Single-Unders 10 Air Squats 10 Box Jumps 10 Alternating Spiderman Stretch 5 Back Squat @ 55% 5 Broad Jumps Workout: 10 -1 Back Squat @ 55% 1 - 10 Broad Jumps Oly: Hang Power Snatch (mid-thigh) (% of PS) - 50% x 2 x 4 Flat-Footed Clean Pull - 80% x 2 x 3 Pause Split Jerk + Jerk - 70% x (1+1) x 4 Power Block Clean (knee) + Push Press (% of PP) - 70% x (1+3) x 3 2 sets: Tall Muscle Snatch x 6 Evil Wheel x max 3 sets: FLE DB curl x 12 GHD Hamstring Curl x 12 Stretch: 2 min lacrosse ball calf roll / leg 2 min foam roll hamstrings / each 2 min Foam Roll Quad / each 2 min figure-4 glute foam roll / each Warm up:
bike 10 cal 20 Arm Circles 10 front / 10 back 20 Shoulder Taps 10 banded face pulls 10 DB Cuban presses 200 ft single arm farmer carry Workout: 20 min AMRAP 10 DB Z Press @ 20% Shoulder press in each 200 ft Atlas Stone Carry 10 hanging hip touches Oly: Power Clean from PP + Push Press (% of CJ) - 30% x (2+1) x 3 Block Clean (knee) & Jerk - 70% x (2+1) x 4 Floating Halting Clean DL on Riser (upper thigh / 2 sec) - 85% x 2 x 3 Front Squat - 60% x 3 x 3 2 Sets: One Arm Overhead Bulgarian Split Squat x 10/leg 1- leg RDL with hand switch x 10/leg weighted sit-ups x 12-15 Stretch: 2 min banded tricep stretch / each 2 min forearm stretch / each Warm up:
2 Rounds 7 Scap Pull up 7 Scap Push-ups 7 Hollow Rock 7 Squat Therapy 7 Pullups 7 Pushups 7 Situps 7 Air Squats Workout: Test 5 rounds, each for time, of: 20 Pullups 30 Pushups 40 Situps 50 Air Squats – Rest precisely three minutes between rounds. Compare to 11/12/22 Oly: Snatch High Pull + Snatch No Jump - 60% x (1+1) x 4 Flat-Footed Snatch Pull - 80% x 2 x 3 Overhead Squat - 70% x 2, 75% x 1 x 3 snatch push presses - 10% less than last week - 3 x 3 2 sets: A1. Press in Snatch x 8 A2. Single-Arm DB Chainsaw Rows x 12 3 sets: B1. KB Z-Presses x 12 B2. V Ups x max Stretch: 2 min Doorway Pec Stretch / each 2 min Yoga - Cobra Position 2 min Bicep Stretch / each 2 min Groiner Stretch / each Warm up:
3 Rounds 250M Row 10 Alternating Spiderman Stretch 20 Single-Unders Workout: Tabata 8 Rounds 20 sec mountain climbers 10 sec rest 20 sec Double Unders 10 sec rest 20 sec GHD Hip Extension 10 sec rest 20 sec Assault Bike 10 sec rest Oly: tall snatch - bar only - 3 x 3 Block Snatch (knee) - 70% x 2 x 4 Floating Halting Snatch DL on Riser (upper thigh/ 2 sec) - 85% x 2 x 3 Pause Back Squat - 70% x 2 x 3 2 sets: weighted plank - 20-30 sec Weighted banded glute bridge x 10 Banded step-up x 10/leg Walk the Line – Week 3 of 12 Stretch: 2 min lacrosse ball calf roll / leg 2 min pigeon pose / each 10 slow Jefferson Curl 5/26
Tabata 8 Rounds 20 sec mountain climbers 10 sec rest 20 sec Double Unders 10 sec rest 20 sec GHD Hip Extension 10 sec rest 20 sec Assault Bike 10 sec rest 5/27 Test Barbara 5/28 20 min AMRAP 10 DB Z Press @ 20% Shoulder press in each 200 ft Atlas Stone Carry 10 hanging hip touches 5/29 10 -1 Back Squat @ 55% 1 - 10 Broad Jumps 5/30 Test Jerry 5/31 20 Min 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 . . . Ring Rows (elevate feet if possible) GHD Raise Each round 200M Backward Run out = 2 pt, back = 2 pt (first curb cut towards the metra is the dividing line) 6/1 Test Charolette Warm Up
500M Row 1K Assault Bike 5 Squat Therapy 5 Deadlift 5 High Pull Clean 5 Hang Squat Clean 5 Squat Clean work up to workout weight Workout Test For Time 30 GHD Sit-up 15 Squat Clean (155/105 lb) 24 GHD Sit-Ups 12 Squat Cleans (155/105 lb) 18 GHD Sit-Ups 9 Squat Cleans (155/105 lb) 12 GHD Sit-Ups 6 Squat Cleans (155/105 lb) 6 GHD Sit-Ups 3 Squat Cleans (155/105 lb) Compare to 11/2/20 Olympic Rest Day Stretching 2 min Standing Hamstring Stretch 2 min Standing Quad Stretch 2 min Foam Roll Upper Back Warm Up
3 Rounds 30 Sec Single-Unders 10 Shoulder Taps 10 Russian Twist 10 piked push-up Workout 3 Rounds 1 min Ring Dips 1 min Evil Wheel 1 min Handstand Pushup 1 min Land Mines Twist 1 min Ladder Linear two feet each (each square = 1 pt) 1 min rest Olympic Snatch - 70% x 1, 75% x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1, 86% x 1, 86% x 1 x 4 Clean & Jerk - 70% x 1+1, 75% x 1+1, 80% x 1+1, 83% x 1+1, 86% x 1+1, 86% x 1+1 x 3 Back Squat - 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 Clean Rack Support (10 sec) - HS x 1 Pause Jerk Dip (% of jerk) - 90% x 3, 95% x 3 x 2 Romanian deadlift - Rate of Perceived Exertion 7-8 x 5 x 3 3 sets: Jack Knife complex x max Single Leg Glute Bridge weighted x 10 / leg Pullups x max Stretching 2 min Tricep Foam Roll / each 2 min Yoga - Cobra Position 2 min Calf Foam Roll / each Warm Up
500M Row 3 sets of 5 snatch grip deadlift 3 sets of 3 Snatch High Pull 3 sets 3 Overhead Squat 3 sets of 1 Hang Squat Snatch (work up to 50%) Workout 1 Rep Max Snatch Compare to 2/18/20 Olympic Rest Day Stretching 2 min lacrosse ball upper back / side 2 min Foam Roll Upper Back |
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