Warm up
500 M Assault Bike 20 Shoulder Taps 500 M Assault Bike 10 handstand shoulder taps 500 M Assault Bike 10 Air Squats 500 M Assault Bike 10 Pushups 500 M Assault Bike 5 Handstand Pushup Workout Test Pike no previous to compare to Oly Snatch - 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 90% x 1 Snatch Pull - 105% x 2 x 3 sets Back Squat (pause on first rep 3 sec) - 70% x 3 x 3 sets Hanging Leg Raise - 3 x max Stretch 2 min lacrosse ball pec mash / each 2 min lacrosse ball mash on posterior deltoid / each 2 min Doorway Pec Stretch / each
Warm up
5 Snatch Grip Deadlift 15 Single-Unders 5 Snatch High Pull 15 Double Unders 5 Hang Snatch 15 Ski Jumper Workout 15 min 10 Hang Snatch @ 55% max 20 Ski Jumper Oly Hang Power Snatch (knee) - 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2 Snatch Balance - work up to a Heavy Single x 1 3 Rounds Box Jumps - x 3 Russian Twist - x 15/side Stretch 2 min lacrosse ball upper back / side 2 min lacrosse ball calf roll / leg Warm up
Assault Bike 2K 10 Situps 5 single-arm DB seated strict press each 10 Russian Twist 5 Plank reach through each Workout 20 - 2 Kneeling Half Moon calories on Assault Bike Oly Clean and Jerk - 70% x 2 sets (1+1), 75% 2 sets (1+1), 80% 2 sets (1+1), 85% x 1+1, 90% x 1+1 Clean Pull - 105% x 2 x 3 sets Front Squat - 75% x 3 x 3 sets weighted plank - 15 sec on/15 sec off x 3 min "Hang on Legs" – Week 11 of 12 Stretch 2 min Yoga - Cobra Position 2 min hang from the pull-up bar 4/28
20 - 2 Kneeling Half Moon calories on Assault Bike 4/29 15 min 10 Hang Snatch @ 55% max 20 Ski Jumper 4/30 Test Pike no previous to compare to 5/1 3 Rounds 1 min Pistol 1 min Situps 1 min GHD Raise 1 min Hammer Swings 1 min Assault Bike calories 1 min Rest 5/2 Test Meghan no previous to compare 5/3 Miles 20 minutes 200M Run 10 Squat Snatch 115 / 85 20 Double Unders 5/4 1 - 10 Shoulder Press @ 55% max Evil Wheel same bar Warm up
Row 1 K casual 10 Air Squats 10 Situps 10 Pushups 5 Pullups Workout Test Baseline Compare to 12/6/19 Oly Rest Day Stretch 2 min Standing Quad Stretch each 2 min Standing Hamstring Stretch each Warm up
2 K Assault Bike 10 Pushups 10 Ski Jumper 5 Bench Press @ 55% 20 Double Unders Workout 5 Rounds 10 Bench Press @ 55% 25 Double Unders Oly Snatch - work up to a Heavy Single x 1, 70% of HS x 2 Clean and Jerk - work up to a HS x 1+1, 70% of HS x 2+1 Front Squat - work up to a HS x 1 Three Rounds Back Extension Hold - x 50% of last week's time weighted plank - 20-30 sec Stretch 2 min lacrosse ball calf roll / leg 2 min Calf Stretch 2 min Doorway Pec Stretch Hey Ya'll,
June 29th we will be hosting the 2024 Speed Dating Competition. For those that are unfamiliar this is an individual competition where we will have 4 work outs, each with a different partner. Your score as a pair goes towards your individual score. 1 pt for the team with the best score in workout 1, 2 pts for the second place team etc. The individual man and woman with the lowest 4 combined team scores are the winners. We will start a sign up sign up sheet this week. Workouts will be announced in the near future. We are short on judges (rep counters) so if you don't think you want to compete, but would like to help out, we can definitely use you. As always this is a fund raiser for new gear, so let us know what you all are looking for! -C- Warm up
1 K Row 30 sec Plank 10 Pullups 10 Kettlebell Swing 10 DB / KB Snatch 5 L-Sit Pullups Workout Test Joshie (squat snatch) Compare to 6/27/18 Oly Rest Day Stretch 2 min Yoga - Cobra Position 2 min Banded Shoulder Stretch / Side 2 min Foam Rolling Lats Warm up
1 K Row Workout Max Box Jumps Compare to 12/20/21 Oly Hang Power Clean (knee) + Power Jerk - 70% x 2+1 x 2 sets, 75% 2+1 x 3 sets Push Press - 70% x 3, 75% x 3 x 3 sets V Ups - 3 sets x max Stretch 2 min Calf Stretch each Hey everyone,
Just a quick reminder that we have pool and darts Friday evening at Chad and Marriah's on Victoria Ln. Actual address on the board at the gym. -C- |
schedule:Monday- Archives
February 2025
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