Weight Ladder Back Squat start at 50% max Go up by 10 lbs each minute if your current max is under 200# Go up by 20lbs every minute if your max is over 200# Go up by 30lbs every minute if your max is over 300# Recovery: Run 800 Meters 2 Rounds 20 Walking Lunges 15 Kettle Bell Swings
Kaenon 100 Pushups 75 Wall Balls 1 Deadlift 315 / 235 75 Wall Balls 100 Push ups 20:55m Chris p. 19:48W-255 Janel 20:53M Trainer Compare to 12/22/2018 Recovery: Bike 10 Minutes: 10-1 GHD Raise Shoulder Press Alpine 6 Rounds 45 seconds Cleans @ 55% 45 seconds Kettlebell Snatch @ 33% snatch 3 minute rest Recovery: Run 800 Meters 4 Rounds (same bar) 5 Deadlift 5 Power Cleans 5 Push Press Weekly Update July 28th - August 3rd
7/28 42 - 30 - 18 Jumping pull-ups Situps Kettlebell Swing 7/29 Alpine 6 Rounds 45 seconds Cleans @ 55% 45 seconds Kettlebell Snatch @ 33% snatch 3 minute rest 7/30 Kaenon 100 Pushups 75 Wall Balls 1 Deadlift 315 / 235 75 Wall Balls 100 Push ups 20:55m Chris p. 19:48W-255 Janel 20:53M Trainer Compare to 12/22/2018 7/31 Weight Ladder Back Squat start at 45% max Go up by 10 lbs each minute if your current max is under 200# Go up by 20lbs every minute if your max is over 200# Go up by 30lbs every minute if your max is over 300# 8/1 "Griff" For time: Run 800 meters Run 400 meters backwards Run 800 meters Run 400 meters backwards 9:38m Annonymous 10:04w Annonymous Compare to 10/5/18 8/2 20 Min AMRAP 6 Rope Pull @ max shoulder press weight 12 GHD Sit-up 24 Ring Rows 8/3 20 - 2 Ring Dips 1 - 10 Prowler Bear Crawl @ 50% back squat on the sled U.S. Army Captain Jason Holbrook, 28, of Burnet, Texas, assigned to 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, was killed on July 29th, 2010 in Tsagay, Afghanistan when insurgents attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife Heather Holbrook and his parents Joan and James Holbrook. "Holbrook"
Ten rounds, each for time of: 115 pound Thruster, 5 reps 10 Pullups 100 meter Sprint Rest 1 minute 7:44M- Annonymous 10:30W Sami Compare to 2/2/18 Recovery: Row 500 Meters 21-15-9 Push Press Ring Rows Find Your 1 Rep Max
Shoulder Press then 2 Min Max GHD Hamstring Curl compare to 1/7/19 Recovery: Run 400 Meters 3 Rounds 20 Walking Lunges 10 Kettle Bell Snatch Allura 5 rounds 3 Rope Climb 10 Man Makers 45# / 35# 30 Box Jumps 24” / 20” 28:11m Steve B 36:54w Tara Recovery: 2 Rounds 500 Meter Row 15 Knees to Elbow Amateur Fight Gone Bad 3 Rounds 1 minute max Hollow Rocks 1 minute max Assault Bike calories 1 minute max GHD Raises 1 minute rest Recovery: 21-15-9 Floor Wipers Box Steps |
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