Warm Up
2 set: 10 Ski Jumper over the barbell 10 alternating in-place Lunge Pre-workout: On a 5:00 clock: Every :30 perform: 2 Power Clean – Cleans must be performed as touch and go reps 1 set: 10 power cleans 10 alternating Weighted lunge Rx / Intermediate For time: 30-20-10: Power Clean (65/95 lb) Ski Jumper over the barbell Alternating Weighted lunge Ski Jumper over the barbell BEGINNER For time: 30-20-10: Power cleans (55/75 lb) Lateral hops over the barbell Alternating lunges Lateral hops over the barbell Competitor: Rest Day Stretching Accumulate: 1:00 foam roll calves 1:00 foam roll IT band/leg
For time: 30-20-10: Power Clean (65/95 lb) Ski Jumper over the barbell Alternating Weighted lunge Ski Jumper over the barbell 8/1 AMRAP 20: 200-m Run 21/30-cal. Row 40 Air Squats 8/2 3 rounds for time: 15 Push Jerk (105/155 lb) 15 Box Jump Over (20/24 in) 8/3 7 sets for load: 3 Overhead Squat 8/4 10 rounds for time: 7 Toes-to-Bar 7 Hand Release Push-ups 7 Pullups 8/5 For time: 27-21-15-9: Calorie Row Thruster (65/95 lb) 8/6 On a 14:00 clock: 1,600-m Run AMRAP in the remaining time: 10 double Dumbbell Deadlift (16/24 kg) 20 Situps WARM-UP
2 sets: 10 Alternating Spiderman Stretch 10 Leg Swing / leg (across body) 1 set: :20 Row, Assault Bike, Skierg 10 Medicine Ball Squat (14/20 lb) 10 Situps 5 DB suit case deadlift / arm 1 set: :20 row, bike, skierg 10 wall-ball push press (9/10 ft) (14/20 lb) 10 V Ups 5 DB Sumo Deadlift High Pull / arm 1 set: :20 row, bike, skierg 10 Wall Balls (9/10 ft) (14/20 lb) 10 GHD Sit-up to parallel 10 alternating Dumbbell Snatch 1 set: :20 row, bike, skierg 5 wall-ball shots (9/10 ft) (14/20 lb) 5 GHD Sit-ups 10 alternating DB snatch NOTES
Rx / Intermediate AMRAP 25 w/ a partner: 50 calories 50 Dumbbell Snatch (35/50 lb) 50 GHD Sit-up 50 Wall Balls (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft) – Use any machine available for the calories. BEGINNER AMRAP 25 w/ a partner: 50 calories 50 dumbbell snatches (10/15 lb) 50 sit-ups 50 wall-ball shots (6/10 lb) (9/10 ft) – Use any machine available for the calories. Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 85 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 25 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 20 min Deadlift: 20-rep test NOTES
Workout 3: 15 min 5 sets for quality: 10 Single-Leg Deadlifts / leg 15 GHD Back Extension - specific NOTES
Stretching: 5 min Accumulate: 1:00 Couch Stretch / leg 1:00 Foam Roll Upper Back WARM-UP
1 set: 5 Inch-worm Pushups 10 banded PVC Pass-throughs 15 Banded pull aparts 1 set: 200-m Run 10 Single-Leg Deadlifts / leg 10 Kip Swing 5 Up-Downs 1 set: 200/250-m Row 10 Russian KB swing (light) 10 kip swings (bigger) 5 up-downs 1 set: 200-m run 5-10 Pullups 5 Burpees 1 set: 200/250-m row 5-10 Chest-to-Bar Pullups 5 burpees-to-target NOTES
Rx On a 20:00 clock, each for time: From 0:00-5:00: 800-m sprint From 5:00-10:00: 75 Chest-to-Bar Pullups From 10:00-15:00: 75 Burpees-to-target From 15:00-20:00: 800/1,000-m Row – Score is total combined work time. INTERMEDIATE On a 20:00 clock, each for time: From 0:00-5:00: 800-m sprint From 5:00-10:00: 50 chest-to-bar pull-ups From 10:00-15:00: 50 burpees-to-target From 15:00-20:00: 800/1,000-m row – Score is total combined work time. BEGINNER On a 20:00 clock, each for time: From 0:00-5:00: 600-m sprint From 5:00-10:00: 75 Ring Rows From 10:00-15:00: 50 burpees-to-target From 15:00-20:00: 600/750-m row – Score is total combined work time. Post-workout: 1 set: 200-m Overhead Run (35/45 lb) 50 V Ups 200-m overhead plate carry Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 70 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 20 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 20 min 5 Rounds: 10 Power Clean (125/185 lb) 200-ft. Walking Lunge Stimulus & Goals
Stretching: 10 min Accumulate: 1:00 Banded Shoulder Stretch / Side 1 set:
:30 Run, Assault Bike, Row, or Skierg Staggered Stance Good Mornings / leg 5 Inch-worm with a Pushups 1 set: :30 run, bike, row, or ski 10 good mornings + jump for height 20 alternating Shoulder Taps in pike position 1 set: :30 run, bike, row, or ski 10 alternating Cossack Squat 50-foot Bear-crawl with hips high 1 set: :30 run, bike, row, or ski 5 Kang squats 3 Wall Walk (partial range of motion) 5 Kang squats 3 wall walks (full range of motion) Pre-workout: On a 12:00 clock: Every 2:00 perform: 5 double overhand Deadlift – Build to your heaviest set. RX AMRAP 9: 9 Deadlift (155/225 lb) 3 Wall Walk INTERMEDIATE AMRAP 9: 9 deadlifts (95/135 lb) 3 wall walks BEGINNER AMRAP 9: 9 deadlifts (55/75 lb) 3 partial ROM wall walks Competition: Rest Day STRETCHING 2 sets: :30 Scorpion Stretch hold / side :30 pigeon pose / leg WARM-UP
3 sets: :20 work/:10 rest Shoulder Taps Jumping Jack Up-Downs 2 sets: 10 ATY Drill 5 single-arm DB seated strict press / arm 10 dumbbell front squat 10 Russian KB swing 3 sets: 5 Kettlebell Swing 5 Dumbbell Thruster – Rest :30 between sets. Pre-workout: On a 10:00 clock: 1 Thruster – Build to your heaviest single. NOTES
Rx 10 rounds for time: 10 Kettlebell Swing (16/24 kg) 10 Dumbbell Thruster (25/35 lb) INTERMEDIATE 10 rounds for time: 10 KB swings (12/20 kg) 10 dumbbell thrusters (20/25 lb) BEGINNER 10 rounds for time: 7 KB swings (8/12 kg) 7 dumbbell thrusters (10/15 lb) Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 65 min Warm up: 20 min See above Workout 1: 15 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 20 min 3 rounds for time: 400-m Run 30 Toes-to-Bar 20 strict handstand push-ups Stimulus & Goals
Stretching: 10 min Accumulate: 2:00 frog stretch WARM-UP
2 sets: 1:00 Row, Assault Bike, Skierg 10 Box Steps 1 set: 10 Kip Swing on rings 10 jumping ring dips 5 Box Jumps 1 set: 10 Low Ring Muscle Up 5 box jumps 1 set: 2-3 Muscle Up 5 box jumps (24/30 in) – Rest as needed between movements. NOTES
RX For total reps: EMOM 14: Min. 1 | :30 Box Jumps (24/30 in) Min. 2 | Muscle Up INTERMEDIATE For total reps: EMOM 14: Min. 1 | :30 box jumps (20/24 in) Min. 2 | Low Ring Muscle Up BEGINNER For total reps: EMOM 14: Min. 1 | :30 Box Steps (12/20 in) Min. 2 | banded strict pull-ups Post-workout: On a 10:00 clock: Build to a heavy 3-rep strict chest-to-bar Weighted Pull up – Add load by holding a DB between the legs Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 75 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 20 min Today's Rx Workout 2: 15 min Back Squat: 20-rep test NOTES
Workout 3: 10 min 5 sets: 75-ft Prowler Push (50/90 lb) 75-ft Sled Drag :30 sandbag hold at the chest (100/150 lb) – Rest 2:00 between sets. NOTES
Stretching: 10 min 3 sets: :30 reach, roll, and lift 30 Banded pull aparts WARM-UP
2 sets: 30 Jumping Jack :30 Plank 1 set: :30 Single-Unders (both feet) 10 straight-leg sit-ups :30 single-unders (right leg only) 10 butterflied leg Situps :30 single-unders (left leg only) 15 seated leg raise :30 single-unders (alternating feet) 15 V Ups :30 single-unders or Double Unders NOTES
RX / INTERMEDIATE On a 10:00 clock for reps: 2:00 Double Unders 2:00 Situps 1:30 double-unders 1:30 sit-ups 1:00 double-unders 1:00 sit-ups :30 double-unders :30 sit-ups BEGINNER On a 10:00 clock for reps: 2:00 Single-Unders 2:00 sit-ups 1:30 single-unders 1:30 sit-ups 1:00 single-unders 1:00 sit-ups :30 single-unders :30 sit-ups Stimulus & Goals
Post-workout: Accumulate: 100 GHD Hip Extension Competition: 75 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 10 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 20 min Shoulder Press: 20-rep test NOTES
Workout 3: 15 min 4 sets: 50-ft Farmer Walks 20 weighted GHD Hip Extension – Rest 1:00-2:00 between sets. NOTES
Stretching: 10 min 2 sets: :30 Lacrosse Ball Roll / Foot :30 Sit and Reach Warm up
1 set: 200-m Run 2 sets: 10 Single Arm Ring Row 10 single-side archer push-ups on knees 50-ft single-arm DB overhead carry – Complete all movements with one arm, then perform the second set with the other arm. 2 sets: 10 V Ups 10 Kip Swing 50-ft double DB overhead carry For reps: 1:00 shuttle run – rest 1:30 1:00 shuttle runs – rest 1:00 1:00 shuttle runs – rest :30 1:00 shuttle runs – 25 ft down and back = 1 rep 1 set: 5 kipping knee raises 3 Dumbbell lunge / arm 5 knees-to-chest 6 Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge 5 Knee to Elbow 6 DB overhead walking lunges RX 3 rounds for time: 200-m DB Farmer Walks (25/35 lb) 15 Knee to Elbow 10 Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge INTERMEDIATE 3 rounds for time: 200-m DB farmers carry (15/25 lb) 15 knees-to-armpits 10 DB overhead walking lunges BEGINNER 3 rounds for time: 200-m DB farmers carry (10/15 lb) 15 hanging knee raises 10 DB front-rack walking lunges Competition: Rest Day STRETCHING 3 sets: :30 Lacrosse Ball Roll / Foot :30 Standing Toe Touches 7/24
RX 3 rounds for time: 200-m DB Farmer Walks (25/35 lb) 15 Knee to Elbow 10 Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge 7/25 On a 10:00 clock for reps: 2:00 Double Unders 2:00 Situps 1:30 double-unders 1:30 sit-ups 1:00 double-unders 1:00 sit-ups :30 double-unders :30 sit-ups 7/26 For total reps: EMOM 14: Min. 1 | :30 Box Jumps (24/30 in) Min. 2 | Muscle Up 7/27 10 rounds for time: 10 Kettlebell Swing (16/24 kg) 10 Dumbbell Thruster (25/35 lb) 7/28 AMRAP 9: 9 Deadlift (155/225 lb) 3 Wall Walk 7/29 On a 20:00 clock, each for time: From 0:00-5:00: 800-m sprint From 5:00-10:00: 75 Chest-to-Bar Pullups From 10:00-15:00: 75 Burpees-to-target From 15:00-20:00: 800/1,000-m Row – Score is total combined work time. 7/30 AMRAP 25 w/ a partner: 50 calories 50 Dumbbell Snatch (35/50 lb) 50 GHD Sit-up 50 Wall Balls (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft) – Use any machine available for the calories. |
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