Warm Up 3 Rounds 10 Pushups 10 Ski Jumper WOD Amateur Fight Gone Bad 1 minute Ring Dips 1 minute Ladder Two in Two out - Lateral 1 minute Bench Press @ 55% 1 minute Rest Cool Down foam roller chest stretch barbell calf roll Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. 2 Rounds 200 Meter Run 25 Air Squats 25 Sit Ups
In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on February, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J. Warm Up
Burgener warm up - clean+Jerk WOD "DT" Five rounds for time of: 155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps 155 pound Hang Power Clean, 9 reps 155 pound Push Jerk, 6 reps Men: 7:45 Brandon H. Women: 14:21 Stacie G. Compare to 12/9/18 Cool Down Low Back 4 Stretches upper back and trap stretches Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. 21-15-9 Goblet Squats GHD Sit Ups Kettle Bell Swings Warm Up
3 Rounds 7 Pushups 7 Toes-to-Bar WOD Death by 2x Floor Wiper @ 65% Bench Press Cool Down 10 minute stretches Hamstrings and Hip flexors Yoga - Cobra Position Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. 2 Rounds 500 Meter Row 10 Turkish Get Ups Warm Up 5 Min Bike - conversational pace, but get the blood flowing, keep your sweatshirt on so you just start to break a sweat. WOD Alpine 6 Rounds 90 seconds Max Prowler Push @ 1/2 Back Squat 10ft = 1 point 3 Minute Rest Cool Down 10 minute Glute Hip stretch Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. 1000 Meter Row 30 GHD Sit Ups 30 Back Extensions Warm Up
3 Rounds 10 banded Overhead Squat 7 PVC Pass Through 7 shoulder press front and back WOD Evelyn 8 Rounds 20 Second Max Overhead Squat @ 95# 10 Second Rest 20 Seconds Max Situps 10 Seconds Rest 20 Seconds Max Handstand Pushup 10 Seconds Rest 20 Seconds Max Pullups 10 Seconds Rest Men's: 262 Griff Women's: 252 Liz (didn't rotate) compare to 6/22/20 Cool Down banded shoulder stretch foam roller chest stretch Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. Row 5K Warm Up Burgener warm up - Snatch WOD Descend / Ascend 10 - 1 Snatch @ 55% 2 - 20 GHD Hip Extension Cool Down upper back and trap stretches Low Back 4 Stretches Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. Row 1000 Meters 30 GHD Sit Ups 30 GHD Raise Army Sgt. 1st Class Riley G. Stephens, 39, of Tolar, Texas, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), died Sept. 28, 2012, in Wardak, Afghanistan, of wounds caused by enemy small-arms fire. Stephens is survived by his wife, Tiffany; three children, Austin, Morgan and Rylee Ann; parents, Michael and Joann; brother Ken; and a number of family members. Warm Up
3 Rounds 250 Row 10 Pushups WOD Riley For time: Run 1.5 miles 150 Burpees Run 1.5 miles If you've got a weight vest or body armor, wear it. 35:49m Kevin 36:56w Tara Compare to 7/12/19 Cool Down pigeon pose barbell calf roll Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. 10 Minutes 10 Kettle Bell Swings 10 Box Steps 7/25
Riley For time: Run 1.5 miles 150 Burpees Run 1.5 miles If you've got a weight vest or body armor, wear it. compare to 7/12/19 7/26 Descend / Ascend 10 - 1 Snatch @ 55% 2 - 20 GHD Hip Extension 7/27 Evelyn 8 Rounds 20 Second Max Overhead Squat @ 95# 10 Second Rest 20 Seconds Max Situps 10 Seconds Rest 20 Seconds Max Handstand Pushup 10 Seconds Rest 20 Seconds Max Pullups 10 Seconds Rest compare to 6/22/20 7/28 Alpine 6 Rounds 90 seconds Max Prowler Push @ 1/2 Back Squat 3 Minute Rest 7/29 Death by 2x Floor Wiper @ 65% Bench Press 7/30 "DT" Five rounds for time of: 155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps 155 pound Hang Power Clean, 9 reps 155 pound Push Jerk, 6 reps compare 12/9/18 7/31 Amateur Fight Gone Bad 1 minute Ring Dips 1 minute Ladder Two in Two out - Lateral 1 minute Bench Press @ 55% 1 minute Rest Warm Up
3 Rounds 10 Russian Twist 10 Air Squats WOD 20 Min AMRAP 20 Wall Balls 20 Land Mines Twist 200 ft Sled Drag @ 1/2 Back Squat Cool Down 10 minute stretches Hamstrings and Hip flexors Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. 3 Rounds 10 Wall Balls 5 Burpees 200 Meter Run |
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