Oct 24th - Holiday Party at the Hull house. Text Clint for the address, or it will be posted on the WOD board as we get close. Costumes are encouraged, but not required. Fuse ball, Darts (Cricket), Beat Saber and kids activities. Show up any time after 5 pm. Food will be provided, but feel free to bring a side dish. Oct 30th - Welcome home party for Tricia at the gym! Hopefully this date works if everything goes to schedule, but is up for changing. Updates will be posted as necessary. December 11th - Annie's Christmas Party. Directions will be forth coming.
Sleep better by changing your environment. Read more here.
Max Turkish Get-up Compare to 3/18/20 then 2 min Max Air Squats Recovery: 21-15-9 Pull Ups Air Squats Sit Ups Tabata 8 Rounds 20 seconds max High Pull Clean @ 55% 10 seconds rest 20 seconds max Wood Chopper @ 25% snatch 10 seconds rest 20 seconds max Hip Extensions 10 seconds rest Recovery: Walk/Run a 5K It's pumpkin spice time! Check out these snappy cookies!
The Chief" Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 3 Power Clean, 135 / 95 pound 6 Pushups 9 Air Squats Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles. Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles. Scores Uncontested Recovery: Run 200 Meters 25 Air Squats 25 Push Ups 25 Sit Ups Run 200 Meters 20 Min AMRAP
100 ft empty Prowler Bear Crawl 10 Pistol alternating 15 Russian Twist @ 25% snatch Recovery: Row 500 Meters 30 GHD Sit Ups Row 500 Meters 30 Back Extensions 9/27
20 Min AMRAP 100 ft empty Prowler Bear Crawl 10 Pistol alternating 15 Russian Twist @ 25% snatch 9/28 "The Chief" Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 3 Power Clean, 135 / 95 pound 6 Pushups 9 Air Squats Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles. Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles. 9/29 Tabata 8 Rounds 20 seconds max High Pull Clean @ 55% 10 seconds rest 20 seconds max Wood Chopper @ 25% snatch 10 seconds rest 20 seconds max Hip Extensions 10 seconds rest 9/30 Max Turkish Get-up Compare to 9/4/19 then 2 min Max Air Squats 10/1 10 - 1 Glutei / Hip Bridge Extensions 20 - 2 Tuck Ups 10/2 Amateur Fight Gone Bad 1 min max 10 ft Sled Drag @ 1/2 back squat 1 min max GHD Raise 1 min max 10 ft Broad Jumps 1 min rest 10/3 "Joshie" Complete three rounds for time of: 40 / 30 pound Dumbbell / Kettlebell Snatch, 21 reps, right arm 21 L-Sit Pullups 40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, left arm 21 L Pull-ups Men’s: 18:15 (Brandon) Women’s: Uncontested Weight Ladder Jerk Perform 1 rep every minute Start at 50% of your max go up 10# every minute after 75% go up 5# each minute Compare to 3/30/20 Recovery: 5 Rounds 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats 200 Meter Run Just One Move: Isabel
30 Snatch for time @ 60% if you want to compare to Isabel @ 135 / 95 Men's: 2:02 Norton Women's: Open Woman Trainer: 3:41 Compare to 1/25/20 Recovery: Row 500 Meters 5 Rounds 5 Push Ups 5 Burpees |
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