Hey Ya'll, You have today and tomorrow to sign up for this weekend's "Speed Dating Competition." All of the people who have taken the time to vote, either in person or on the website have decided to have the proceeds go towards some new gym equipment rather than a T-shirt and actually more than half the current registered athletes have voted! This is super cool and in order to sweeten the pot and possibly increase participation I'll match every entry with an equal amount. Right now we are at 11 participants @ $35 w/ and additional match of $385 = $770 for new equipment. Let me know your thoughts on what we need for gear. I know people are interested in a Rig. We could do a single free standing station, similar to our power racks up front. The continuous systems that attach to the wall won't work on our curved ceilings and false walls. A continuous free standing system would take up to much room when our space is also used by martial artists and acrobats. I have also heard an interest in padded box jump blocks. I would be willing to try a couple and if they hold up purchasing more. If there are other ideas, keep them coming! For those up not up to speed, here are the event details. Each workout is done with a random partner. There will be a minimum of 30 min rest between workouts. Scores are shared by both partners. 1st place = 1 pt, 2nd place = 2 pt. The individual with the lowest total after 3 workouts is the winner. 8:00 AM athlete brief 8:30 AM first heat WOD 1 WOD I: I go, you go 3 rounds each 10 / 7-cal bike (2 bikes per team) 3 rounds each 10 wall balls 20#, 10' / 14#, 9' 3 rounds each 10 pullups or 30 jumping pull ups 20 rounds 10 doubles or 20 singles WOD II: 5x 2 minute rounds + 1 minute rest (switch stations each round) Athlete 1: 250 / 200 meter row Athlete 2: Ground to over head Score is total weight (Once an athlete has started they must stick with the weight they chose. Each partner can have a different weight.) WODIII: 15 min AMRAP 1,2,3,4,5,6 . . . (Highest total reps) Box Jump or Step 24 / 20" (Complete stand up) KB Swing 45 / 30# Burpee (One partner does the the whole round for the odds, one partner does the even rounds.) If you have questions, ask Clint or Kelia!
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2 sets: 1:00 jump rope 1:00 50-foot shuttle run 1:00 Plank EMOM 6: 3-5 Seated Box Jump – Increase height each minute. 1 set: 5 hang muscle cleans (empty barbell or training bar) 5 high hang clean 5 Power Clean 4 sets: 5 power cleans – Build in load. NOTES
TEST - Everyone 9 sets for load: 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1: Power Clean or Squat Clean Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 75 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 20 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 15 min 4 rounds for time: 400-m Run 10 Push Jerk (105/155 lb) Stimulus & Goals
Workout 3: 10 min EMOM 10: Min. 1 | :30 Strict Toes to Bar Min. 2 | 5-10 Strict Ring Dips NOTES
Stretching: 10 min 1 set: 1:00 Foam Roll Upper Back 1:00 Seated Straddle Stretch 1:00 forearm stretch WARM-UP
1 set: 5 Inch-worm + Pushups 10 banded PVC Pass-throughs 15 Banded pull aparts 1 set: 1:00 Assault Bike, Row, or Skierg 10 Alternating Spiderman Stretch 10 Kip Swing 5 Up-Downs 1 set: 1:00 bike, row, or ski 10 Reverse Lunges 10 kip swings (bigger) 5 up-downs 1 set: 1:00 bike, row, or ski 10 Jumping Lunge 5-10 kipping Pullups NOTES
Pre-workout: 5 sets for load: 1 strict Weighted Pull up – Rest exactly 1:00 between sets. TEST 3 rounds for time: 30 Jumping Lunge 25 Pullups TRAINING 3 rounds for time: 30 jumping lunges 25 pull-ups, Banded Pull up or Ring Rows Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 75 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 10 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 20 min EMOM 16: Min. 1 | :40 calorie Row Min. 2 | :40 Box Jump Over (24/30 in) Stimulus & Goals
Workout 3: 15 min 4 sets: 12 GHD Raise 15 weighted sit-ups 20 Banded Side Steps (moving right) 20 banded side steps (moving left) NOTES
Stretching: 10 min 2 sets: :30 Standing Quad Stretch / leg :30 banded lat stretch / arm WARM-UP
1 set: 10 alternating Samson stretches 10 alternating Scorpion Stretch 50-foot alternating Toy Soldier 50-foot alternating quad stretch 50-foot alternating Cossack Squat 50-foot Broad Jumps 50-foot High Knees in place 50-foot butt kickers 50-foot skip for distance 50-foot skip for height 1 set: 200-m Run 10 Shoulder Press (empty barbell) 1 set: 200-m run 10 Push Press (empty barbell) 1 set: 400-m run SKILL WORK On a 10:00 clock for load: Build to a heavy 1-rep Push Jerk TEST 4 rounds for time: 400-m Run 10 Push Jerk (105/155 lb) TRAINING 4 rounds for time: 400-m run 10 push jerks (55% max Jerk) Competition: Rest Day STRETCH Accumulate: 1:00 Calf Stretch / leg 1:00 Banded Shoulder Stretch / Side 5/28
RX AMRAP 8: 5 dumbbell front squat (35/50 lb) 5 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean 5 burpees over the DB – Use two DBs. 5/29 RX 4 rounds for time: 400-m Run 10 Push Jerk (105/155 lb) 5/30 RX 3 rounds for time: 30 Jumping Lunge 25 Pullups 5/31 RX 9 sets for load: 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1: Power Clean 6/1 RX Every 6:00 x 5 sets: 1,600-m Assault Bike 6/2 RX AMRAP 12: 9 Dumbbell Thruster (20/35 lb) 1 Rope Climb (15 ft) – Use two DBs. 6/3 RX 10 Rounds of 1:00 on – 1:00 off for reps: 8 Kettlebell Swing (35/53 lb) 4 Burpees – Pick up a new minute where you left off the previous minute. 6/4 RX For time: 160 Double Unders 40 Overhead Squat (65/95 lb) 30/40 cal Row 120 double-unders 30 overhead squats (65/95 lb) 22/30 cal row 90 double-unders 20 overhead squats (65/95 lb) 15/20 cal row WARM-UP
5 sets: :40 easy Row :20 hard row 1 set: :30 Scorpion Stretch / side :30 Elbow to Instep / leg :30 hamstring stretch / leg 10 squat-to-stand 1 set: 5-8 hang muscle cleans 5 Hang Power Clean 5 Hang Squat Clean – Use an empty barbell. 3-4 sets: 1 High Pull Clean 1 hang power clean 1 hang squat clean – Build in load to just under your first working set. NOTES
TEST AMRAP 8: 5 dumbbell front squat (35/50 lb) 5 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean 5 burpees over the DB – Use two DBs. TRAINING AMRAP 8: 5 KB / dumbbell front squat (25% of front Squat max in each 5 Atlas Stone Clean (go light enough that you can keep moving) Set the stone in front of you, so you can cycle through the reps faster 5 burpees over the Atlas Stone – Use two DBs. Post-workout: 3 sets: 20 alternating DB Renegade Row 20 seated leg lifts over the DB – Use two DBs for the renegade rows. Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 75 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 20 min 6 sets for load: 1 High Pull Clean 1 Hang Power Clean 1 Hang Squat Clean – All reps from above the knee. 2 drop sets: 1 complex @ 95% 1 complex @ 90% NOTES
Workout 2: 10 min Today’s Rx Workout 3: 15 min 10 sets for time: 500/600-m Assault Bike – Rest :30 between sets. Stimulus & Goals
Stretching: 10 min Accumulate: 1:00 Couch Stretch / side 1:00 Foam Roll Quad / side 1:00 press-up hold WARM-UP
2 sets: 1:00 Row, Assault Bike, or Skierg 5 Inch-worm 10 Pushups – Rest 1:00 between sets. 1 set: :20 Single-Unders :20 toe-touches 1 set: :20 Double Unders :20 Shoulder Taps 1 set: :20 double-unders :20 Single-Unders 2 sets: 5 Deadlift (empty barbell) :10 Handstand against the wall 5 handstand push-up negatives 3 sets: 3 deadlifts (workout weight) 3 Handstand Pushup NOTES
Barbara Ann TEST 5 rounds, each for time, of: 20 Handstand Pushup 30 Deadlift (95/135 lb) 40 Situps 50 Double Unders – Rest 3:00 between rounds. Compare to 10/20/21 TRAINING 5 rounds, each for time, of: 20 Dumbbell Push Press ( 20% Jerk in each hand) 30 deadlifts (55% Max) 40 sit-ups :30 double-unders or Single-Unders – Rest 3:00 between rounds. Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 85 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 35 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 10 min AMRAP 10: 1-2-3-4.. etc. DB Turkish Get-up (35/50 lb) Strict Chest-to-Bar Pullup Stimulus & Goals
Workout 3: 10 min For time: 400-m Sled Drag (25/45 lb) NOTES
Stretching: 10 min Accumulate: 2:00 Foam Roll Low Back 2:00 Foam Roll Upper Back Workout I
Women will do 7 cal on the bike. Men still at 10 Workout II Women will row 200 M. Men still row 250 M. -C- WARM-UP
2 sets: 5 Scap Pull up 10 Kip Swing 30 Jumping Jack 2 sets: 2-5 Strict Pullup 30 skier jacks 1 set: 4 Pull-to-Stands 15 pulls on the rower 1 set: 1 Rope Climb 15 pulls on the rower 2 sets: 1 Legless Rope Climb 15 pulls on the rower – Rest :30 between sets. NOTES
Pre-workout: 5 sets for total distance: 20 pulls on the rower – Rest 1:00 between pulls. TEST 10 rounds for time: 1 Legless Rope Climb (15 ft) 200/250-m Row – Rest 1:00 between rounds. TRAINING 10 rounds for time: 1 Rope Climb (15 ft), 4 lock offs or 3 Pull-to-Stands 200/250-m row – Rest 1:00 between rounds. Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 70 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 15 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 15 min 3 sets for quality: 10 DB windmills / arm 20 GHD Hip Extension :30 GHD Sorenson hold NOTES
Workout 3: 10 min For time: 20 Back Squat (125/185 lb) 800-m run 100 Air Squats 800-m run 20 Front Squat (125/185 lb) Stimulus & Goals
Stretching: 10 min 1 set: 1:00 lacrosse ball mash on posterior deltoid / side 1:00 lacrosse ball pec mash / side WARM-UP
1 set: 100-m jog 50-ft Toy Soldier 50-ft alternating quad stretch 50-ft High Knees in place 50-ft butt kickers 50-ft alternating Walking Lunge 50-ft Broad Jumps 50-ft skip for height 50-ft skip for distance 100-m jog 1 set: 100-m Run 10 Air Squats 100-m run 10 air squats 4 sets: 3 Back Squat 3 Front Squat – Rest 1:00 between sets. TEST For time: 20 Back Squat (125/185 lb) 800-m Run 100 Air Squats 800-m run 20 Front Squat (125/185 lb) TRAINING For time: 20 back squats (55% Front Squat Max) 800-m run 50 air squats 100 Russian Twist (25% max Snatch) single count 800-m run 20 front squats (Same bar) Stimulus & Goals
Competition: Rest Day STRETCHING 2 sets: :30 pigeon pose / leg :30 Couch Stretch / leg |
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