Friday: 5:30 PM - 6 PM (Martial Arts Graduation Party)
Saturday: 10 AM - Noon Sunday: 3 PM - 5 PM Monday: The gym will be closed; however, Adam will be doing “Murph” from 10 AM - Noon. Anyone who would like to join him is more than welcome. On Saturday, June 3, we will be closed for the "Speed Dating Competition.” Athletes’ brief at 8 AM. First Workout at 9 AM. You must be registered & paid by Thursday, June 1. (Registration fee is $35) -C-
2 sets: 30 Jumping Jack 10 Overhead Squat 30 jumping jacks 10 Snatch Balance 30 jumping jacks 2 sets: 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift to mid-thigh (empty barbell or training bar) 5 Snatch High Pull 5 Muscle Snatch 5 Overhead Squat 5 Hang Snatch 5 Snatch 3-5 sets: 1-3 snatches -Build in weight. NOTES
TEST EMOM 20: 1 Snatch TRAINING EMOM 20: 2 snatches Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 80 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 20 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 20 min 2 rounds: 50 Up-Downs 40 GHD Sit-up 30 alternating DB Renegade Row (35/50 lb) 20 double-DB sumo deadlifts 10 Bar Muscle up Stimulus & Goals
Workout 3: 10 min 3 sets: 20 double-Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge NOTES
Stretching: 10 min Accumulate: 1:00 b Banded Shoulder Stretch / Side WARM-UP
2 set: 30 Jumping Jack 10 Push Up to Down Dog 10 Alternating Spiderman Stretch 1 set: 20 skier jacks :20 ring-dip hold (top) 20 skier jacks :20ring-dip hold (bottom) 10 Air Squats 1 set: 10 Up-Downs 10 foot-assisted Ring Dips 10 wall-ball front squats 1 set: 30 High Knees in place (in place) 10 jumping ring dips 10 wall-ball push presses to the target 1 set: 30 butt kickers (in place) 5-10 Ring Dips 10 Wall Balls NOTES
Pre-workout: EMOM 5: 3 Hang Squat Clean – Build in load. Test AMRAP 10: 3 Wall Balls (14/20 lb) 3 Ring Dips 6 wall-ball shots 6 ring dips 9 wall-ball shots 9 ring dips Etc … – Continue to add 3 reps to both movements until time expires. Training AMRAP 10: 3 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) / (10/14 lb) / (6/10 lb) 1 ring dips / foot-assisted ring dips 6 wall-ball shots 2 ring dips 9 wall-ball shots 3 ring dips Etc … – Continue to add 3 reps to the wall-balls and 1 rep to the ring dips until time expires. Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 70 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 10 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 15 min For time: 1,200-m weighted run (14/20 lb) 50 Weighted Box Step (20/24 in) 600-m weighted run 25 weighted box jumps Stimulus & Goals
Workout 3: 15 min 4 sets: 100-ft Handstand Walk 1:00 Plank – Rest 2:00 between sets. NOTES
Stretching: 10 min 1 set: 1:00 Foam Roll Quad 1:00 Couch Stretch / side Changes to programming - bringing back tire flips, hammer swings, landmines, etc.
Also new categories of Test and Training rather than Rx, Intermediate and Beginner. Competition - 3 team work outs with different partners! June 3rd! New Gym Mascot - Otto! WARM-UP
1 set: 2:00 Row Skierg or Assault Bike (slow) 20 Box Steps (step down) 20 plank Shoulder Taps (feet on floor) 1 set: 1:30 Row, Skierg or Assault Bike (med) 20 single leg box hops step-downs (10 each leg) 20 piked shoulder taps (feet on box) 1 set: 1:00 Row, Skierg or Assault Bike (fast) 10 Box Jump Over 2 x handstand walk around the box (1 x each direction) Test For time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3: Toes-to-Bar Box Jump Over (24/30 in) Training For time: 18-15-12-9-6-3: Toes-to-bars / Hanging Knee Raises Box jump-overs (55% max height) Post-workout: Accumulate: 2:00 GHD Sorenson hold Competition: Rest Day Stretching 1 set: 1:00 foam roll shins 1:00 foam roll calves 1:00 foam roll T-spine 1:00 Foam Rolling Lats WARM-UP
2 sets: 1:30 Row / Assault Bike / Skierg / Run 5 Inch-worm +1 Pushups / rep 10 empty-bar Deadlift 3 Wall Walk 10 empty-bar High Pull Clean 1 set: 3 handstand push-up negatives :20 headstand hold 3 kipping Handstand Pushup 10 handstand shoulder taps, slow 5 kipping HSPUs 1 set: 10 Sumo Deadlift (empty barbell) 10 Kip Swing 10 sumo-deadlifts + shrug 5 Chest-to-Bar Pullups 10 sumo-deadlift high pulls 5 Bar Muscle up 2 set: 10 Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge 2 sumo-deadlift high-pulls (workout weight) 2 Handstand Pushup 1-2 Bar Muscle up NOTES
Test For time: 400-m Run 50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (55/75 lb) 50 Handstand Pushup 400-m run 20 Bar Muscle up 200-ft Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge (35/50 lb) – Use one DB. Training For time: 400-m run 50 sumo deadlift high pulls (55% max clean) 30 handstand push-ups /piked push-up 400-m run 20 Bar Muscle up / Chest-to-Bar Pullups / jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups 200-ft DB overhead walking lunge (25% max Jerk) – Use one DB. Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 90 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 20 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 20 min 10 sets for calories: :30 Assault Bike at 60 RPMs :20 bike at 70 RPMs :10 bike at 80+ RPMs 1:00 bike sub 60 RPMs NOTES
Workout 3: 20 min 7 sets for load: 1 Deadlift 1 Clean 1 Hang Clean 1 Jerk Stimulus & Goals
Stretching: 10 min 2 sets: :30 Scorpion Stretch / side 1:00 standing pike stretch 5/21
RX For time: 400-m Run 50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (55/75 lb) 50 Handstand Pushup 400-m run 20 Bar Muscle up 200-ft Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge (35/50 lb) – Use one DB. 5/22 RX For time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3: Toes-to-Bar Box Jump Over (24/30 in) 5/23 RX AMRAP 10: 3 Wall Balls (14/20 lb) 3 Ring Dips 6 wall-ball shots 6 ring dips 9 wall-ball shots 9 ring dips Etc … – Continue to add 3 reps to both movements until time expires. 5/24 RX EMOM 20: 1 Snatch 5/25 RX For time: 20 Back Squat (125/185 lb) 800-m Run 100 Air Squats 800-m run 20 Front Squat (125/185 lb) 5/26 RX 10 rounds for time: 1 Legless Rope Climb (15 ft) 200/250-m Row – Rest 1:00 between rounds. 5/27 Barbara Ann RX 5 rounds, each for time, of: 20 Handstand Pushup 30 Deadlift (95/135 lb) 40 Situps 50 Double Unders – Rest 3:00 between rounds. WARM-UP
EMOM 8: Min. 1 | :45 Assault Bike, Row, or Skierg Min. 2 | 10 alternating Samson stretches 1 set: 5-8 hang Snatch High Pull 5-8 hang muscle snatches 5-8 behind-the-neck Push Jerk 5-8 Overhead Squat 5-8 Hang Power Snatch – Use an empty barbell. 3-4 sets: 1 Snatch High Pull 1 Hang Power Snatch 1 below-the-knee Power Snatch – Build in load to just under your first working set. NOTES
Pre-workout: EMOM 7: 2 high hang snatches – Build to a heavy set of 2 reps. RX 10 rounds for time: 8/10-calorie Row 3 Hang Power Snatch (105/155 lb) INTERMEDIATE 10 rounds for time: 8/10-calorie row 3 hang power snatches (95/135 lb) BEGINNER 10 rounds for time: 6/8-calorie row 3 hang power snatches (65/95 lb) Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 75 min Warm up: 20 min See Above Workout 1: 15 min 5 sets for load: 1 Snatch High Pull 1 Hang Power Snatch 1 below-the-knee power snatch 2 drop sets: 1 complex @ 95% 1 complex @ 90% NOTES
Workout 2: 15 min Today’s Rx Workout 3: 15 min 3 sets: 10 Strict Toes to Bar 20 GHD Back Extension – Rest as needed between sets. NOTES
Stretching: 10 min Accumulate: 30 PVC Pass-throughs 30 ATY Drill WARM-UP
2 sets: 10 alternating Scorpion Stretch :30 Plank 10 toe-touches :30 Single-Unders 1 set: 5 KB / Dumbbell Deadlift / arm 10 Air Squats :20 Double Unders 5 single-arm KB swings / arm 10 Up-Downs :20 double-unders 5 Russian KB swing 10 air squats :20 double-unders 10 Kettlebell Swing 10 Burpees NOTES
Pre-workout: On an 8:00 clock: Legless Rope Climb climb practice. – Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets. RX / Intermediate For total reps: 1:00 Double Unders 1:00 Air Squats 2:00 double-unders 2:00 Kettlebell Swing (35/53 lb) 3:00 double-unders 3:00 Burpees BEGINNER For total reps: 1:00 Single-Unders 1:00 air squats 2:00 single-unders 2:00 kettlebell swings (18/26 lb) 3:00 single-unders 3:00 burpees Stimulus & Goals
Competition: 90 min Warm up: 20 min Workout 1: 15 min Today’s Rx Workout 2: 20 min For completion: 200-m sandbag bear-hug carry (70/100 lb) 100-m left-arm DB overhead carry (35/50 lb) 100-m right-arm DB overhead carry 200-m sandbag bear-hug carry – Rest as needed between movements. Stimulus & Goals
Workout 3: 25 min For time: 600/750-m Skierg 40 Box Jump Over (20 / 24 in) 400/500-m SkiErg 30 box jump-overs (20 / 24 in) 200/250-m SkiErg 20 box jump-overs (20 / 24 in) – Rest 3:00 20 Wall Walk Stimulus & Goals
Stretching: 10 min 1 set: 1:00 double-forearm stretch 1:00 saddle stretch :30 Calf Stretch / side WARM-UP
EMOM 5: Min. 1 | Inch-worm + Pushups Min. 2 | Hollow Rock Min. 3 | Up-Downs + max-effort jump and reach Min. 4 | hip taps in an inchworm Min. 5 | Burpees + max-effort jump and reach 3-4 sets: 3 Shoulder Press – Build to ~80% of 1RM shoulder press. RX / Intermediate 8 sets for load: 2 Shoulder Press BEGINNER 8 sets for load: 5 shoulder presses Post-workout: 2 sets: 1:00 max-reps Situps …directly into… 1:00 cumulative overhead barbell hold (65/95 lb) – Rest 1:00 between sets. Competition: Rest Day Stretch 1 set: 1:00 lacrosse-ball tricep mash / side 1:00 lacrosse ball behind the shoulder blade / side |
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