Hey everyone, If you have a friend who is talking about getting into shape this summer, grab a 2 week free card. This is brand new program where they have 2 weeks to knock out up to 8 workouts. All 8 are simple CrossFit workouts to give them a fair taste of whether we are the right gym for them. We are dropping the COVID special, but will be keep the partner intro rate, $65 each per month for the first 6 months, that we have been running for some time. This rate is valid if you have a friend join or sign up as a pair.
Anyone who hasn't been to the gym for the last 6 months or more can hop on these deals as well! Let me know if you have any questions. -C-
Warm Up Row 1000 meters then 3 Rounds 7 bare bar shoulder press front and back 10 Situps Strength 5 sets of 5x Jerk increasing weight each set WOD 21 - 15 - 9 Shoulder Press @ 55% Horizontal Kettlebell Swing @ 25% snatch Tuck Ups Cool Down 2 minutes Yoga - Cobra Position 7 Minute Upper Body Stretch Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. 4 Rounds 15 Calorie Bike 15 Sit Ups Dear Fellow CrossFitters:
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting our 2nd annual Summer Crush Competition on Saturday June 26, 2021! Registration will go live on Monday May 3rd @ noon. We will cap the competition @ 75 teams with a waiting list available if registration is full. First come first served, be prepared to register on Monday May 3rd @ noon. Competition will take place at Daylis Stadium (401 Grand Ave) and the final event/awards ceremony will be hosted at CrossFit Billings (1428 Grand Ave). The link for event registration will be posted online on our website, CrossFit Billings Summer Crush Facebook page as well as Instagram. DETAILS: *3 person same sex teams *3 Divisions: Rx, Scaled, and Masters 40+ by date of competition * $375 per team *Each team is guaranteed 4 events @ Daylis Stadium (additional event for top teams @ CrossFit Billings 1428 Grand Ave). *Prize $ for podium spots in all divisions. **NO REFUNDS. You may transfer your registration to another team. CFB must be notified 5 days prior to competition date. MOVEMENT MINIMUMS: Most members of your team should be able to perform the movements listed for multiple reps. These are not the guaranteed movements of the events, but will help you choose the appropriate division. IF YOU ARE ABLE TO COMPLETE 70% OF THE HEAVY WEIGHT, YOU WOULD BE CONSIDERED AN RX ATHLETE. RX: Sandbag Carry 100/75 Handstand Walk Deadlift 275/185 for reps Overhead Squat 95/65 for reps Muscle Ups Clean and Jerk 245/165 Snatch 185/135 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups Toes-to-bar Handstand Push-Ups Masters: Deadlift 225/155 for reps Front Squat 95/65 for reps Snatch 115/75 for reps Clean and Jerk 185/115 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65 Toes to Bar Pull Ups Scaled: Deadlift 155/105 for reps Front Squat 95/65 for reps Snatch 115/75 for reps Clean and Jerk 155/105 Jumping Pull Ups Sandbag Carry 75/50 Push-ups Get your teams together and get ready to register. This link will go LIVE on Monday May 3rd 12pm: https://crossfit-billings.triib.com/events/2021-summer-crush If you would like to help Judge or Volunteer the day of the event, please register here (this link will also be live on Monday @ noon): https://crossfit-billings.triib.com/events/2021-summer-crush Warm Up
Burgener warm up - clean + Front Squat then work your way up to 70% of max (or until you miss the 3rd rep) with sets of 3x High Hang Squat Clean WOD Starting with singles after the warm up, Find Your 1 Rep Max Clean at least 7 reps must be over 90% (If you go up by 5 kilos and top out at 100 kilos, 90, 95, 100kg all count on the way up 105kg is a miss after 3 attempts. Drop back down to 90 kg and do 4 singles) Compare to 10/15/20 Cool Down upper back and trap stretches Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. Row 1000 Meters 4 Rounds 15 GHD Sit Ups 15 Alternate Lunges Warm Up Row 1000 Meters then 3 Rounds 7 GHD Sit-up (slow and controlled focusing on knee extension) 7 Bare bar Clean and Jerk Strength 25 slow controlled reps of GHD Hip / Back Extensions (if you can't do that, scale to either back ext, or hip ext) WOD Workout 18.1 Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 8 Toes-to-Bar 10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Dumbbell Push Jerk 50 / 35lb 14 / 12-cal. Row Men’s : Steve B. 329 Women’s : Sami 214 Compare to 2/23/18 Cool Down 2 minutes each Yoga - Cobra Position banded shoulder stretch Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. 21-15-9 Air Squats Sit Ups Push Ups Warm Up
Row 1000 meter 5 minutes double under technique then 3 Rounds 7 Air Squats 7 GHD Sit-up (slow controlled sit ups focusing on extending the knee) Strength 5 sets 3x Shoulder Press increase weight each set WOD Tabata 8 Rounds 20 seconds Hollow Rock 10 seconds rest 20 seconds Pistol 10 seconds rest 20 seconds GHD Raise 10 seconds rest Cool Down 2 minute Yoga - Cobra Position 10 minute stretches Hamstrings and Hip flexors Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. 21-15-9 Goblet Squats Weighted Sit Ups Police Service of Northern Ireland Constable Ronan Kerr, 25, of Omagh, Northern Ireland, was killed on April 2, 2011 by a car bomb outside his home in Omagh. He is survived by his mother Nuala, brothers Cathair and Aaron, and sister Dairine. Warm Up
5 Min Bike - conversational pace, but get the blood flowing, keep your sweatshirt on so you just start to break a sweat. 3 Rounds 7 bare bar shoulder press front and back 7 Air Squats WOD "Roney" Four rounds for time of: Run 200 meters 135 / 95 pound Thruster, 11 reps Run 200 meters 135 / 95 pound Push Press, 11 reps Run 200 meters 135 / 95 pound Bench Press, 11 reps Women's: 34:37 - Janel Men's: 31:03 - Annon. Compare to 12/29/19 Cool Down 7 Minute Upper Body Stretch Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. 10-1 Deadlift 1-10 Shoulder Press Warm Up Burgener warm up - Snatch 3 minutes double under technique 3 Rounds 15 Kettlebell Swing 7 PVC Pass Through WOD Alpine 6 Rounds 45 seconds Hang Snatch @ 55% 45 seconds Ski Jumper 3 minute rest Cool Down 3 sets of 15 reverse Hyper @ 25% back squat upper back and trap stretches 2 minute barbell calf roll Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. 2 Rounds 500 Meter Row 20 Wall Balls 4/25
Alpine 6 Rounds 45 seconds Hang Snatch @ 55% 45 seconds Ski Jumper 2 count 3 minute rest 4/26 "Roney" Four rounds for time of: Run 200 meters 135 / 95 pound Thruster, 11 reps Run 200 meters 135 / 95 pound Push Press, 11 reps Run 200 meters 135 / 95 pound Bench Press, 11 reps Women's: 34:37 - Janel Men's: 31:03 - Annon. 4/27 Tabata 8 Rounds 20 seconds Hollow Rock 10 seconds rest 20 seconds Pistol 10 seconds rest 20 seconds GHD Raise 10 seconds rest 4/28 Workout 18.1 Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 8 Toes-to-Bar 10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Dumbbell Push Jerk 50 / 35lb 14 / 12-cal. Row Men’s : Steve B. 329 Women’s : Sami 214 4/29 Find Your 1 Rep Max Clean at least 7 reps must be over 90% 4/30 21 - 15 - 9 Shoulder Press Horizontal Kettlebell Swing @ 25% snatch Tuck Ups 5/1 "Walsh" Four rounds for time of: 22 Burpee Pull up 185 pound Back Squat, 22 reps Run 200 meters with a 45 pound plate overhead Mens: 30:19 Kevin T / Steve B Womens: 30:46 Janel Women Trainer: 30:31 Warm Up
3 Rounds 10 bare bar Shoulder Press 7 GHD Sit-up Strength 3 Sets of 10x Bench Press increase weight each set WOD Death by 2x Toes-to-Bar Cool Down 5 minutes Yoga - Cobra Position Active Recovery: This is the work you do off the clock, if you are sore enough to avoid performing the workout of the day, or it is your scheduled rest day. Row 1000 Meters then: 3 Rounds 10 Pull Ups 15 Sit Ups |
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