8 Rounds 20 seconds max Clean and Jerk 10 second rest 20 seconds max Hammer Swings 10 second rest 20 seconds max Snatch High Pull 10 second rest CoronaWOD: Four rounds for time of: Run 400 M 50 Air Squats
Learn all about the importance of magnesium and why you need it.
6 Rounds 45 seconds max 10 ft Waiter Walks 45 seconds max Hollow Rock 3 Minute rest CoronaWOD: Run 5K Great Video on Latok 1 CrossFit Open 15.5
27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row (calories) Thruster Men use 95 lb. Women use 65 lb. Compare to 4/26/2019 CoronaWOD: 15 min AMRAP 10 Burpees 5 Pistol Each Side 1 Min Plank core Hold Nice Bruespringsteen cover Check out this recipe for an easy one pan meal with chicken and bacon.
Find Your 1 Rep Max Overhead Squat at least 7 reps over 90% then Max Ski Jumper in 2 minutes compare to 10/14/19 CoronaWOD: 14 Round EMOM in each minute complete: 5 Pushups 15 metre Bear-crawl 5 Hollow Rock rest the remainder of the minute Air Force Senior Airman Bryan R. Bell, 23, of Erie, Pennsylvania, assigned to 2nd Civil Engineer Squadron at Barksdale Air Force Base, died January 5, 2012 at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan, of injuries suffered when his vehicle struck an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife Alaina Bell; parents Richard Bell and Brenda Hart; sister SrA Candice Bell; stepfather David Aldrich; stepmother Kim Bell; stepsister Stephanie Battista; stepbrother Matthew Aldrich; maternal grandparents Ross and Gertrude Peters; paternal grandmother Carmen Bell; mother- and father-in-law Mike and Brenda Hart; sister- and brother-in-law Mariel and Patrick Wilcox; and several aunts, uncles and cousins. Bell
3 rounds for time of: 21 Deadlift 185 / 135 15 Pullups 9 Front Squat 185 / 135 Men’s: 8:22 (Blood) Women’s: 10:35 (Janel) CoronaWOD: Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 25 Handstand Pushup 50 Pistol, alternating 75 Pullups (Sub Tuck Jumps) 4/26
Bell 3 rounds for time of: 21 Deadlift 185 / 135 15 Pullups 9 Front Squat 185 / 135 Men’s: 8:22 (Blood) Women’s: 10:35 (Janel) 4/27 Find Your 1 Rep Max Overhead Squat at least 7 reps over 90% then Max Ski Jumper in 2 minutes compare to 10/14/19 4/28 CrossFit Open 15.5 27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row (calories) Thruster Men use 95 lb. Women use 65 lb. Compare to 4/26/2019 4/29 Alpine 6 Rounds 45 seconds max 10 ft Waiter Walks 45 seconds max Hollow Rock 3 Minute rest 4/30 Tabata 8 Rounds 20 seconds max Clean and Jerk 10 second rest 20 seconds max Hammer Swings 10 second rest 20 seconds max Snatch High Pull 10 second rest 5/1 Rocket Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of: 50-yard swim sub (500M Row) 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats Women’s: 9+510 (Sami) Men’s: 11+240 (Kevin) Compare to 9/25/17 5/2 1 - 10 Man Makers 10 ft of Walking Lunge Alpine
6 Rounds 45 seconds Kettlebell Swing @ 33% Snatch 45 seconds Situps 3 minute rest CoronaWOD: 20 Minute AMRAP 1 rep of each, 2 reps of each, 3 reps of each. Increase the reps of each movement by one each round. Air Squats, Box Jumps (on stairs, up not down), Pushups Burpees See how many rounds you can get done. Hey guys,
The petition that Kerry and Yurii started is over 4K, but last night Katie was pointing out that it might be more effective to call the Governor to get him to reconsider his stance on gyms remaining closed during phase 1 of reopening. I encourage everyone to be respectful when they voice their opinions, but leave a voice mail and let him know your thoughts. Governor Steve Bullock (406) 444-3111 Be ready to talk to a live person. -C- |
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